Guide for Spyro the Dragon (2024)

Beast Makers Hub

Dragons: 2

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Gems: 300

The trophy in this hub is related to flaming five glowing mushrooms, the locations of which are detailed in bold.

When the level begins, turn to the right and collect the gems next to you, then head over to the electrified platform behind you. Wait until the gnorc isn’t electrifying the platform, run over and flame-attack him. Continue around to the left and save Bruno (1/2) in front of the portal to Terrace Village. There are a few chests behind the portal for you to collect as well.

Glide over to the wooden walkway and flame the fireworks to set them off. Stand back to avoid being thrown into the water by the blast. Glide forward again and kill the boar that charges at you. Glide over to the entrance to Misty Bog and collect the first glowing mushroom (1/5) behind the portal. Glide over to the next island and save Cleetus (2/2). Drop down into the well next to you, collect the gems and walk behind the Wild Flight portal to collect the second glowing mushroom (2/5).

Use the whirlwind to return to the surface and collect the gems inside the hut. Exit the hut, turn right and walk along the line of gems behind the building. Watch out for the boar that charges at you!

Backtrack to Misty Bog and continue onwards towards the large tree in front of you. Collect the gems around the large tree trunk. You will find the third glowing mushroom (3/5) at the base of the right-hand side of the tree as well as the entrance to Tree Tops. After collecting the gems continue over the stone bridge and collect the gems on the floor to the right. Climb the step and cross the first electrified platforms, where you will see some gems on a tree stump in front of you, slightly out into the water. The final tree stump with the chest key is slightly higher up, so you’ll have to glide down from a higher area later on.

Glide back to the main area and continue past the electrified platforms on the right. Collect the gems and the fourth glowing mushroom (4/5) in front of you. If you speak to the balloonist, he will ask you to save 50 dragons before proceeding onwards to Dream Weavers. Climb the steps on the right and collect the final glowing mushroom (5/5) around the back of the area to receive:

  • Mushroom Hunter

    Flame 5 Glowing Mushrooms in Beast Makers

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From this top platform, you can glide out to the chest key which is on the tree stump in the water. Glide back over to the lower stump you visited earlier and drop down into the stone courtyard to find and open the locked chest. You will now have collected all the gems in the hub.

Terrace Village

Dragons: 2

Gems: 400

Skill Point: No electric floor damage

When the level begins, run forward and flame attack the large gnorc with the electrified stick in front of you. Climb the steps and flame another large gnorc. Look to the right and collect the chest and a couple of gems, then run forward and kill the three gnorcs (one large and two small). Collect the gems to the right of the wooden ramp in front of you and don’t forget the gems that are slightly hidden in some vegetation on a ledge.

Don’t head up the ramp yet; head forward past the ramp and make your way around to the left to find some more enemies and collect more gems. Follow this area around to the left to find yourself back in front of the doorway you came through earlier. Turn to the left and make your way up the wooden ramp in front of you.

Go up the ramp and proceed through the building. Go down the ramp in front of you and collect the gems on the right (don’t forget the ones down the right of the steps in front of you – these are hidden in vegetation and easy to miss). Before heading up the steps go around to the right and run down a narrow ledge around the outside of the building you just came through to collect some chests.

Backtrack and head up the next set of steps into the building to save Claude (1/2). For the next section, you will gain a skill point if you do not get electrified by any of the floor platforms. So time your movement to avoid taking any damage.

Make your way over to the right of the first electrified platform, charge the gnorc enemy and collect the gems in the alcove. Backtrack over to the other side of the platform and around the back of the buildings. You will see a couple of strong chests in front of you; we’ll come back to those later for a trophy.

Continue along the electrified platforms in front of you. At the end of the platforms you can save Cyprin (2/2). Climb the steps and make your way around to the right. Instead of gliding over to the electrified platform in front of you, drop down to collect some blue gems and drop down again to make your way around the back of the buildings. Kill the enemies and climb the ramp to return to the steps.

This time, glide over the two electrified platforms and use the whirlwind on the right to make your way upwards to the top of the buildings. Glide over to the platform with the green gem in front of you and climb the steps. Stand on the edge of the platform where the chest is and glide around the right side of the building in front of you to land on another roof. Glide over to another platform to smash some chests. Now it’s time to get the trophy in this level. You will have to flame the three rockets in ten seconds, which is fairly easy to do. The first two rockets are here:

And the third rocket is down on the floor behind the other two rockets, here:

Jump up and flame the two rockets, then drop down off the edge of the building and flame the rocket to the left of the building doorway to receive:

  • Rocketeer

    Light 3 fireworks within 15 seconds

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The rockets will smash the two strong chests on the floor between the two buildings along the edge of the level (you past them earlier). You will have to backtrack through the level and glide to the buildings a second time in order to collect the gems that were inside the smashed chest on top of the building. Make your way through the level a final time and glide over to the final electrified platform and kill the gnorc to receive the skill point. Collect the final gems around the exit portal and use the portal to return to the hub.

Misty Bog

Dragons: 4

Gems: 500

An opportunity to get the trophy related to this level is right at the start. Turn around and run behind the stone building, then charge the chicken cage to earn:

  • Cage Free

    Free a trapped Chicken

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Collect the gems here and then continue forward up the stairs and through the archway. The enemy you see in front of you will shake from side to side until you get too close, after which it will launch itself towards you at an alarming pace. Keep an eye on these enemies and make sure to hit them with your flame-attack when they launch themselves at you. Kill the four enemies in a row and collect the gems on the right before gliding over to the steps in front of you.

Climb the steps and collect the extra life next to you. You will see some blue frog enemies in front of you; these are also pretty mean and will flick their tongue out quickly and damage you. Make sure to charge up to them and kill them quickly before they have a chance to attack you. Collect the gems to the right of the stairs and kill all the frog enemies. Collect the chest and the extra life behind the stone wall on the left. After collecting all of the gems, hop up onto the large tree stump and save Rosco (1/4).

From Rosco, glide down to the circular grassy platform in front of you and defeat the boar and gnorc. Collect the gems and use the tree stump to return to the spot you were just stood on. This time, glide down to the wooden ramp on the left. Charge through the line of metal-plated gnorcs and glide over to the small grassy platform with the wooden cage on the left. From here, glide over to the three tree stumps in a row and then glide down to the line of three frogs. Climb the steps and follow the wooden walkway until you come to Damon (2/4). Continue up the stairs and turn left at the top to make your way along the narrow ledge. At the end of the ledge you can glide back over to the main area.

Follow the wooden boardwalk and climb the steps to the fairy with the large arrow. Drop down the open tree stump to the area below. Collect all of the gems around you and make your way forward to climb the steps in front of you to save Zeke (3/4). Continue forward (watch out for the boar that charges through the gnorc in front of you) and make your way up the grassy ramp. Defeat the enemies in front of you, collect the gems in the middle of the walled-off area on the right and climb the steps to save Bubba (4/4).

Collect the gems behind the level exit portal and stand on the corner post on the right. From here, glide over to the stone walls and climb the set of steps on your left:

Collect the gems at the top of the steps and glide over to the tree stumps at the top of the waterfall. Climb the tree stumps, charge through the line of gnorcs and collect the gems on the top of the stump to complete the level. Glide past the waterfall and back down to the main area and use the exit portal to return to the hub.

Tree Tops

Dragons: 3

Gems: 500

This level can be quite confusing to 100%. There are several supercharge ramps which you have to chain together to make it over to certain platforms. The video link below shows you how to reach all the gems and dragons in this level:

Run forward and defeat the two enemies in front of you. The smaller monkeys will throw bananas at you and the larger monkeys will kick you with their legs if you get too close. Continue up the stairs and defeat some more enemies. At the top of the stairs, turn left and glide down to the next set of platforms.

Drop down and defeat the two large monkeys. You will see the locked chest in front of you. Climb the steps and free Isaak (1/3). Charge down the supercharge ramp, over the gap and smash through the strong chest in front of you. Make your way down the stairs, grab the extra life and go up the stairs on the right to find another supercharge ramp on your left. Run down this supercharge ramp and jump over to the area in front of you where you will find the return home portal.

Collect the gems on the platform and use the whirlwind to return to the platform you just ran down. Make your way back up the platform, back down the stairs and up the other side. Look left and glide down to the wooden walkway in front of you. Run up the walkway and use the whirlwind on your left, which will take you back up to the area above.

Run up the steps and hop up onto the second window ledge on your left. Make your way along the wooden walkway and you will find the chest key in front of you. Go up the steps, defeating the enemies as you go, and collect the gems around the pillars on the grassy plateau at the top. Climb the steps and glide over to save Lyle (2/3). Collect all the gems around the small huts around Lyle.

Now it’s time for the slightly confusing section. You are likely to mess this up a couple of times before getting it right but will restart at the checkpoint at the top of the supercharge ramp if you mess up and die, so it doesn’t set you back much. You will have to hold charge for the entire of this section:

  1. Run down the supercharge ramp and jump over to the platform with the large monkey.
  2. Run past the monkey for now and charge over the wooden platform behind and slightly to the right of the monkey.
  3. Run up the next ramp but do not go forward, instead turn 90 degrees to the right and charge over to the supercharge ramp on your right.
  4. Charge up the ramp (against the flow of arrows) and before you get to the top, charge forward and slightly right to the wooden ramp on your right.
  5. Charge up the wooden ramp and jump over to the high platform in front of you which has the trapped dragon on it.

After you’ve successfully navigated that section, you'll receive the following:

  • Launch Date

    Jump off every Supercharge ramp in Tree Tops

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Save Jed (3/3) and catch the egg thief running around the area. After collecting all of the gems, use the whirlwind to return to the top of the supercharge ramp.

Charge forward and over to the platform with the large monkey, where you can stop and collect the gems and the extra life. Collect the chests on the wooden platform which is sticking out and glide over to the supercharge ramp in front of you. Charge down the ramp and over to the tree platform, where you can smash the strong chest in front of you. Collect the gems and the extra life here, then hop up onto the platform on the left, turn right and glide over to the level exit portal.

As before, use the whirlwind to return to the supercharge ramp in front of you. At the top of the ramp, turn right and go through the tree (down and up the other side of the stairs). At the other side, turn left and glide down to the ramp in front of you. Make your way up the ramp and use the whirlwind on your left. Go all the way through the tree (don’t hop up on the window ledge this time) and glide over to the platform in front of you. Open the locked chest at the bottom of the stairs.

Go up the other side of the stairs and charge down the supercharge ramp. Instead of jumping forward to the supercharge ramp, turn right 45 degrees and charge down to the wooden ramp. Charge all the way up the ramp, turn right into the tree and run through the tree. At the other side, jump over the top of the spiked wall in front of you and onto the supercharge ramp. Run down the ramp and jump over to the higher platform in front of you. Collect the gems and catch the egg thief running around here. After collecting all the gems here you should have completed the level. Drop down to the platform below and use the return home portal to return to the hub.


Dragons: 1

Gems: 500

Skill Point: Perfect

Climb the steps in front of you and watch out for the small monkey rolling towards you (either charge the monkey or move out of the way to avoid being hit). Collect the gems on the floor and climb the steps. Defeat the enemies and collect the gems here before gliding over to the small platform on the right hand side to collect a few more gems. Before continuing across the bridge, it’s time to access the secret area in this level. Look to the right of the bridge and you will see a moat with some metal railings barring the way. In fact, this is the way to the secret area. Glide down to the area as shown below:

Collect the gems along the ledge and climb the steps. The path on the right will lead to the chest key. Climb down the steps on the other side to collect some more gems. Backtrack up the steps, drop down the other side and use the whirlwind to make your way up on top of the buildings in the main area of the level. From here, glide over to another building roof opposite you to collect some more gems and an extra life.

Cross the bridge (watch out for the monkeys) and use your flame-attack on the rockets to collect more gems. Collect the rest of the gems on the floor before climbing the steps in front of you. Defeat the enemies and collect the gems here before climbing the other set of steps on the right, which lead through the level. Collect the gems here and then walk forward and around the wall on your left. Go down the ramp and save Sadiki (1/1).

Now it's time to face Metalhead. To gain the skill point for this level you have to defeat him without getting hit, which is pretty straightforward. Metalhead will throw monkeys at you from the window above him; avoid getting hit by these enemies and if you can stand behind the metal conductors to cause the monkeys to smash them. To defeat Metalhead you'll need to smash through all the conductors in front of you, and you'll have to do this when they're green to avoid taking damage. The conductors will start to flash before turning full red and becoming electrified, so you will be able to avoid hitting them at the wrong time. Metalhead will also shoot an electrified laser at you, so keep moving around the room to avoid the laser. After destroying all the conductors, Metalhead will walk off into the room behind him.

Go through the door and before heading down the corridor, climb the steps on your left to collect a few gems. Continue down the corridor to face Metalhead in the next room. As before, destroy all of the conductors to cause Metalhead to collapse, leaving a couple of gems behind.

Climb the steps to the left of the doorway you came through and go into the small alcove to open the locked chest. Backtrack to the area you fought Metalhead in and go through the doorway he was stood in front of. Collect the gems around the return home portal and use the whirlwind on the left to float up to the area above. Collect the gems on this side of the ledge and go through the doorway at the end of the platform to collect some gems around the edge of the building. Backtrack into the building and glide over to the ledge opposite you to collect the final five gems of the level, which will reward you with:

  • Gems in the Rough

    Collect 500 gems in Metalhead

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Use the return home portal below you to return to the main hub.

Wild Flight

Gems: 300

This level is basically split into two groups of two items; Chests and Planes, and Boats and Arches. As you collect two sets of items at once as you fly round the level, you are rarely short of time. The manoeuvring is likely to be the thing you'll struggle with in this level, as you'll have to do several sharp turns without crashing into the water. A video walkthrough of this level has been provided below:

Video by PS4Trophies

When the level begins, turn slightly right, collect the chest in front of you and then follow the tunnel with the purple water in front of you, collecting more chests as you go. At the end of the tunnel the area will open out and you'll see planes flying around the area, with the remaining chests perched on ledges. After collecting all of both sets of items (fly clockwise through the tunnels to collect the planes faster), backtrack down the tunnel you flew down from the start of the level (the tunnel with a small wooden ledge in the entrance). At the end of the tunnel, turn slightly to the right and follow the line of arches up the river, collecting the boats as you go. Collect the three arches at the top of the river and fly down the tunnel on the other side to collect the final boats. You can loop back around to the left at the bottom of the tunnel if you've missed any boats/arches during your flight. Collecting all of the items without touching the ground will reward you with:

  • I Believe it is Time for Me to Fly

    Complete Wild Flight without touching the ground

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Return to the hub and use the balloon master to move on to the Dream Weavers world.

7. Dream Weavers World5. Magic Crafters World

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Guide for Spyro the Dragon (2024)
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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.