Guide for Spyro Reignited Trilogy - Spyro the Dragon (2024)

Homeworld 4: Beast Makers

Gems: 300

Dragons: 2

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Eggs: 0

Skill Points: 0

Fodder: Chickens

Before we start, the achievement for this Homeworld requires you to find and Flame 5 Glowing Mushroom spread around the level; I'll highlight the location of each one to ensure you don't miss any. You have to get them all in one life, as dying will cause any that you've Flamed to respawn. If this does happen, backtrack to Flame them again before continuing on.

From your starting location, on your right, there's three red Gems and two Treasure Chests (blue and green Gem). Head into the level, past a stone well/pool of water to find three Metal Chests (blue and two greens) and three red Gems to the left of that by a building on the edge of the water. You'll run into your first Electro Gnorcs here; these guys are always found standing on an electric floor which they will periodically whack with a stick to electrify it. To take them out safely, wait for them to hit the floor, then for the electricity to disappear, and quickly Charge into them. T

Take these first two out (blue and green Gem). After the second one, to your right will be Bruno (Dragon 47/80) to free and the portal to Terrace Village; behind that portal is a Treasure Chest (green Gem) and two blue Spring Chests to get (41/300).

Near that is a log in the water with three Explosive Chests (three blues); careful they don't knock you off into the water with their explosion. Glide onto the platform ahead with a Boar (blue Gem) to take out and three reds, then to the next platform with the Misty Bog portal. There's another Boar (blue Gem) to defeat and a green and three red Gems to collect. Head behind the Misty Bog portal on the left-hand side to find your first Glowing Mushroom 1/5 hidden behind it; Flame it before moving on.

Now glide to another platform right of the portal to free Cleetus (Dragon 48/80), then get the nearby Fanning Chests (two blues). Follow the trail of Gems (three greens and four reds) around the left side of the hut here and be prepared to Flame a Boar (gold Gem) that will come running around, then head into the hut itself and get all the Chests here (nine greens, 122/300).

Head back outside and jump into the well here; this one is empty and you'll fall down into a hidden area with the Wild Flight portal. Down here, there's a blue and three green Gems where you land, three Treasure Chests on the right (three blues) with a blue Gem in the middle and your second Glowing Mushroom 2/5 to Flame behind the portal's left-hand side.

Take the Whirlwind back up outside and head to the platform with the Misty Bog portal, then the one past that on the side of the level we have yet to explore (it has a giant tree on the far side); on this new platform is two red and two green Gems near where you land and another Boar (green). Walk straight towards that giant tree to find three red Gems up by a torch, then head around it on the right, hopping over its branches to find another Glowing Mushroom 3/5 to Flame and a gold Gem. Jump over another branch here to find the Tree Tops portal and walk around it to get four red Gems lying in front of it (178/300).

Go over the bridge straight ahead and turn left at the end for a 1-Up Chest, then go over to the Strong Chest and turn right to find five Metal Chests (five greens) in between the electric platforms the Electro Gnorcs are standing on. Jump up onto the little step by the side of the first electric platform nearest the bridge, and up onto the platform to charge into the Electro Gnorc (blue Gem) after his wave of electricity, then glide over to the next platform to take care of the other Electro Gnorc (blue) when it is safe.

Past that, you'll see another Electro Gnorc (gold Gem) to defeat on the left around the corner, then around another corner, get the five red Gems laying by two Fanning Chests (green and blue). The next Glowing Mushroom (4/5) to be Flamed is past that, on the left-hand side of some steps going up to a pyramid. Grab the red Gem by it, then a blue and two red Gems to the left in front of the Metalhead portal and a single red Gem on the pier in front of Cray the Balloonist (229/300). Talk to him to find you'll need to rescue 50 Dragons for the next Homeworld; if you've been following this walkthrough, you're only two Dragons short of that total.

Turn back around from Cray and jump up the steps on your left to the top level of the pyramid; jump off to the right and get the line of Gems, two reds and three greens, then continue to follow the ledge around to the other side of the pyramid to find the final Glowing Mushroom (5/5). Once you've Flamed this one, providing you Flamed all the previous ones as well, you'll unlock:

  • S1 | Mushroom Hunter

    Beast Makers Home: Flame 5 Glowing Mushrooms in Beast Makers

    Guide for Spyro Reignited Trilogy - Spyro the Dragon (1)

    4 guidesGuide for Spyro Reignited Trilogy - Spyro the Dragon (2)Guide for Spyro Reignited Trilogy - Spyro the Dragon (3)

Now head back to the corner of the pyramid where the Gems were and face out into the water to see a log platform below with a Chest Key on it. Glide down to it and get the Key, two red Gems and a Treasure Chest (blue), then glide right from there to a lower log platform with a blue and three greens on it before jumping onto the log past that and back up into the main level. Head back towards the bridge on your left and as you drop off this electric platform, turn right to find the Strong Chest; open it for the level's last Gems (two gold and five blue, 300/300).

With everything done here, use the nearby Whirlwind to take you back up to the steps of the pyramid, then climb up to the top of it, head left to get around to the other side and go down into the Terrace Village portal.

Terrace Village

Gems: 400

Dragons: 2

Eggs: 0

Skill Points: 1

Fodder: Chickens

Before getting into this level, be aware that the Skill Point here is for getting right the way to the end without taking any electric floor damage from the Electro Gnorcs, so be extra cautious around them if you want to try for it. You can replay the level later if you do get hit and run through it again straight to the end without worrying about getting any Gems or what have you.

Right as you land, ahead of you will be a Laser Gnorc; they are similar to Electro Gnorcs but without an electric floor to hit, so they will try to hit you with their stick instead. Deal with them by quickly Flaming them before they get the chance. Take out this first one (blue Gem), then jump up the steps to take out another (green).

Turn left up here and head between the tower and the wall into another area to find a Gunner up ahead; quickly Charge these guys before they get a chance to fire their electric guns. Take him out (blue Gem) and get the two Fanning Chests on the right by the huts (two blues), then flame the Laser Gnorc ahead (blue Gem) with his back to you. Head past him and back down the path to defeat the enemies you saw earlier; a Laser Gnorc (blue) and two Gunners (green and blue).

To the left of the entrance to this area as you're facing it, you'll find two Treasure Chests (two greens) and a red Gem. Turn around and walk towards the building ahead with a ramp leading up into it; look to your right as you do so for a torch, near which are two semi-hidden Spring Chests (blue and green) on a ledge behind some greenery. Walk further towards the building and before going up the ramp leading in, to your right is another area with a torch and several Chests (green Gems) along with a red and two greens loose (59/400).

Now go up that ramp into the building and defeat another Gunner (green Gem), grabbing three red Gems on the left of the room, then continue into the next room with two more Gunners (blue and green) and two Treasure Chests (two greens). Head out of the building down another ramp, defeating the Laser Gnorc and Gunner ahead (blue and green). Get the two Treasure Chests (green and blue) to the right of the staircase leading up into another building, then turn around and go back to the right of the ramp we just walked down for four red Gems loose.

Turn around again and get the 1-Up Chest ahead, to the left of the staircase, then head left around a corner to find another Gunner and Gnorc (two blues). Past the Laser Gnorc, along a thin ledge along the water's edge, is three Metal Chests (three blues) to carefully Charge.

With everything, head back from here to the staircase leading up to the building we haven't been into yet, and go up to free Claude (Dragon 49/80). Right past him are the first Electro Gnorcs of the level, and your first electric platforms to dodge for that Skill Point. Jump over the first one around to the right. You'll see a Rocket here; do not flame it yet! We need it later in order to get the level's achievement for lighting three Rockets within 15 seconds. If you do Flame it, you'll have to come back into the level to try for the achievement again later. Head past it for now to defeat the Gunner (blue) and grab another red Gem and two Treasure Chests (two blues, 134/400) around this corner.

Head back to the electric platform and take out that Electro Gnorc (green Gem), then head to the other side across from the Rocket for three red Gems. Take out the Gunner and Gnorc (two blues) around the corner here. Past them are two Sealed Chests which we will destroy with the Rockets later. Flame the Laser Gnorc (blue) - he's standing on an electric platform, so careful not to get hit - then defeat the Electro Gnorc past him (green).

There's now a line of electric platforms along the ground to follow with a host of enemies, so careful as you go along them; there's three platforms in all, with three corresponding Electro Gnorcs (green and two blues), a Gunner (green) on the second one and two Laser Gnorcs (two blues) on the second and third. At the end, free Cyprin (Dragon 50/80).

Get the 1-Up Chest ahead up against the wall, then head right down a slope to an area with three Gunners (green and two blues); you can Charge through two of them in a line, then dodge the fire of the third until he's safe to take out as well. Grab two loose reds by a wall behind them and three more loose reds in the grass to the left, then defeat the Gnorc ahead (green). Head to the edge past him and turn left to follow a thin ledge with a blue Gem and three reds on it to find a little section with three Chests at its end (green and two blues, 216/400).

Now let's go and deal with the upper section of the level. Backtrack up the slope to where you freed Cyprin; you'll see the staircase up ahead leading to the upper level with a red Gem on the ground at its base and another blue and green Gem on its steps. Don't jump up to the top until it's safe, as it's another electric platform with an Electro Gnorc and Laser Gnorc (two blues) to defeat.

There's another electric platform ahead, but drop down before it to an area with two blue Spring Chests. You'll have to drop down again and head back up the stairs before proceeding on to that next electric platform. This one is trickier as the Electro Gnorc is on the far end with two Gunners protecting him; as soon as it's safe, jump over and Charge through them all (blue and two greens) before you get zapped.

Glide over to the next one and flame the next Electro Gnorc (green) before you land, then take down the Laser Gnorc (green) past him. There's a Whirlwind at the right taking you further up; glide to a ledge on the building ahead with a green Gem on it, follow it around for a Fanning Chest (gold), then up the steps to the very top for three Treasure Chests (blue and two greens, 280/400).

Now stand on the platform jutting out to look out over the line of electric platforms on the ground from earlier and glide straight out; follow the wall of the building on your left as you pass it to land on a roof below with five red Gems to get. Glide over to another building with two red Gems and three Metal Chests (green and two blues), then jump up a step onto another roof; behind you is a last roof to jump on with two Treasure Chests (two blues) and a gold Spring Chest. Careful not to Flame the Rocket here as we need it for the achievement which we'll get now!

Look down from the corner of the roof opposite that Rocket to find the second Rocket on the ground that we left from earlier, then find the last Rocket on the roof across from this one on the same height level. Take note of the Sealed Chest on the roof to your right as well. With all three Rockets located, flame the First one on this roof, jump across to the next roof to Flame the second one, then drop down to the ground to Flame the third one by the corner of the building. Providing you did that in 15 seconds, which is ample time, you'll unlock:

  • S1 | Rocketeer

    Terrace Village: Light 3 Fireworks within 15 seconds

    Guide for Spyro Reignited Trilogy - Spyro the Dragon (4)

    6 guidesGuide for Spyro Reignited Trilogy - Spyro the Dragon (5)Guide for Spyro Reignited Trilogy - Spyro the Dragon (6)Guide for Spyro Reignited Trilogy - Spyro the Dragon (7)

Head across the electric platforms to where the two Sealed Chests down here were and harvest all the Gems. You'll have to get back up to the roofs again to get all the Gems from where the last Sealed Chest was as well, on the roof by itself (360/400).

Backtrack through the level once again until you've taken the Whirlwind up, then glide to the final electric platform below on the left. You'll have to time this to make sure you don't land on it when it's electrified; as soon as the Gnorc zaps it, glide over and you will land safely. Take him out (green Gem), then head into the room with the Return Home transporter for a red, green and two blues, plus a Treasure Chest (gold) and two Spring Chests (gold and blue, 400/400). If you made it here without taking any electric floor damage, you'll also unlock Skill Point 8/14 (No electric floor damage). That should be everything done here, so hop on the transporter to head back to Beast Makers.

Back there, head right and over the logs and platforms to the Misty Bog portal for your next level.

Misty Bog

Gems: 500

Dragons: 4

Eggs: 0

Skill Points: 0

Fodder: Chickens

Right off the bat, we can get the achievement for this level. Turn around and go around the wall. Wait until the Gnorc Dude here traps the chicken, then Charge into the cage to free it and unlock:

  • S1 | Cage Free

    Misty Bog: Free a trapped Chicken

    Guide for Spyro Reignited Trilogy - Spyro the Dragon (8)

    3 guidesGuide for Spyro Reignited Trilogy - Spyro the Dragon (9)Guide for Spyro Reignited Trilogy - Spyro the Dragon (10)

Take the Dude out (blue Gem) and grab two Gems by the wall, then head onward into the level. Up some stairs ahead will be several Dragon-Eating Plants. These are the nastiest enemies yet; get close to them and they will rapidly launch towards you, so be alert and quickly Flame them before they get a hit in. Take out all four here (green and three blues), then grab the loose Gems, four red and two green, by the water's edge.

Glide over the water to the next set of stairs. At the top, get the 1-Up Chest on your right and three Treasure Chests (green and two blues). In this area is another new and dangerous enemy, the Attack Frog; Flame or Charge into them before they get a chance to hit you with their tongue, which has some serious range. Defeat all four of the Frogs (four blues) and get three Treasure Chests (one blue and two green Gems) by a ruined wall on the left, then head around the other side of the wall to find another 1-Up Chest and a Treasure Chest (blue).

Head back around the wall and get two Fanning Chests (two blues) on the left with a blue Gem and two red nearby. Proceed further on to find three more Plants (green and two blues) and grab three more green Gems by a wall to the right of them (121/500), then jump up onto a platform to free Rosco (Dragon 51/80). Turn to the right from his location to find a platform in the middle of the water with a Boar chasing a Gnorc Dude. Glide over and take both of them out (gold and green), grabbing three blues in the middle, then use a tree stump behind you to get back up to Rosco's location.

Glide straight ahead from there to the walkway where there's a line of five Gnorc Dudes to Charge through (blue and four greens). Feels like you should get an achievement for that, huh? After the last one, turn to the left and glide to another platform with a Dude (green) trying to catch a chicken, then from there to the set of tree stumps forming a staircase, getting six red Gems as you jump up to the top.

Glide down to the building ahead, defeating three Attack Frogs (blue and two greens), then jump up the stairs to go inside the building and get three Chests (three blue). There's a whole host of enemies to take out in the room ahead - four Gnorc Dudes and six Attack Frogs (four greens and six blues, 234/500). Rather than rushing in and getting overwhelmed which could potentially lose you a Life, I recommend carefully moving forwards and trying to deal with one at a time. Once the room is cleared, jump up the steps at the end to free Damon (Dragon 52/80).

Jump up more steps to the right of him for a line of Gems - two blue, three reds and three greens - to follow along the ledge outside. At the end, glide down to the area below. You'll be back near where you freed Rosco, so jump up onto his platform and back down to the wooden walkway, following it to its end this time to get another line of a blue and four reds, then take out the Gnorc Dude (blue) and get the three Chests by him (blue and two greens). Jump up the stumps ahead and onto the tree top on the right for nine more reds, then down into the hollow tree trunk indicated by the Direction Fairy.

In the new room below, defeat two Gnorc Dudes (green and blue) and two Plants (two greens), then head back to the pool of water you landed in for two Treasure Chests (blue and green) and two gold Spring Chests. The stairs out of this room lead to another Dragon to free: Zeke (Dragon 53/80).

Past him, take care of the two Attack Frogs, Dude and Boar (blue and three greens); it's possible to step close enough to the enemies to incur the Boar's wrath and let him charge through them for you. Step forward past them enough to get another Boar running over to you and Flame him (blue Gem), then grab the four red Gems on the water's edge to the left. Defeat an Attack Frog (blue Gem) and Gnorc Dude (green gem), then another three Gnorc Dudes (one blue and two green Gems) and two Boars (two blue Gems).

Get the two Treasure Chests (two greens) between two walls on the left side, then eight red loose Gems lying about on the floor nearby, a gold Spring Chest to the left of the staircase and finally, right of the staircase, three red Gems and two Treasure Chests (two greens) in a building ruin. Jump up the stairs, and get two Metal Chests (two blues, 407/500) on the right before freeing Bubba on the left (Dragon 54/80).

Now jump onto the square platform to the right of the Return Home transporter and glide onto the stone wall of the building ruin that housed several Gems and Treasure Chests. Head to the corner and you'll notice the ruined wall of the building ahead forms a staircase. Jump over to it and up to the top to get some more Gems; four loose reds, two Metal Chests (two blues) and a gold and blue Spring Chest. If you're confused, you should be able to see these Chests up on top of the building from the platform by the Return Home transporter so that you know where you're aiming for.

Head to the corner of this roof nearest the waterfall to find a tree stump at the top of it; glide over to it and make your way up to the top one for four reds, then onto the walkway to charge through a line of six Dudes (blue and five greens). jump up at the end for a platform with three Treasure Chests and three Fanning Chests (two gold and four blues, 500/500). That's everything done here, so glide off to the left over the edge of the waterfall to land back in the final area with the Return Home transporter and take it back to Beast Makers.

Back there, head over to your right and around the other side of the giant tree to enter the Tree Tops portal.

Tree Tops

Gems: 500

Dragons: 3

Eggs: 0

Skill Points: 0

Fodder: Chickens

Time for the infamous Tree Tops level, the bane of many a childhood. This is a confusing and twisty place with several Supercharge ramps, requiring you to execute some of the most complex Supercharges in the entire series in order to reach every platform, but it's not so difficult when you know how to do them, trust me.

Right at the start of the level, there's a little cutscene of a Green Thief running off and waking up some enemies. Told you we weren't rid of these Thieves! Move into the room ahead to take out those enemies; the smaller one is a Banana Boy (blue Gem), so named as they throw bananas at you which you'll have to avoid, and the bigger one is a Strongarm (blue). Jump up the stairs for two red gems by another Strongarm (green), then further up for two more Strongarms (green and blue) at the top.

Ignore the opening to the left for now and continue on outside to take down two Banana Boys (blue and green). Glide straight ahead to a platform where you see a Red Thief and a Strongarm; Flame the Strongarm (blue) as you land and drop down to get another two Strongarms (gold and blue) past him. The Strong Chest here we'll take care of later. Jump up the staircase here for three red Gems and free Isaak (Dragon 55/80) at the top before getting two Treasure Chests behind him (green and blue, 58/500).

Here, we're at the top of the first Supercharge ramp of the level; Charge down it and jump straight off at the end to another building, making sure to crash into the Sealed Chest inside (gold Gem). If you miss breaking this Chest, you can come back for it later. Head down through the building for two blue Spring Chests and another Strongarm (blue); behind him is a 1-Up Chest. Jump up the step with a red, blue and two green Gems, and up again to defeat a Banana Boy and Strongarm (two blues).

Jump up past them to find another Supercharge ramp; Charge down it and jump off the end to land on the island ahead. We can't get up to that area up top for now, so down here, grab the two green and three blue Gems, the three Fanning Chests (blue and two gold) and a Treasure Chest (blue, 152/500).

The Return Home transporter is on this island, but we're far from done yet, so turn around and head to the other side of the island from it to find a Whirlwind. Take it up and it will send you back to the Supercharge ramp we just launched from. Walk up it and at the top, look left to find the building we started in; glide down to its ramp-like walkway and follow it up to find another Whirlwind. Take this one up and we're back at the starting platform.

Go through the building again to the second room; you can jump through the second window on the left here onto a bridge with a Banana Boy (blue Gem) and into a room past him with three Metal Chests (blue and two greens). Grab the Chest Key at the other end of the room and take out two Strongarms above it (blue and gold), then take the steps up and defeat two more Banana Boys on the way (green and blue).

At the top, head into the grassy area on the right with two more Banana Boys (two blues), three Fanning Chests (green and two blues) and a 1-Up Chest. Back by the stairs, jump up onto the platform jutting out with two Metal Chests (two greens) to carefully Charge, then glide straight ahead onto an island to free Lyle (Dragon 56/80) who'll drop a hint about having to string together Supercharges. There's another Supercharge ramp near him; facing it, to the left of it is five Treasure Chests (three greens and two blues) and to its right is a cluster of Gems, three red and three green (239/500).

Now Charge down the Supercharge ramp, jumping off at the end to reach yet another island. Defeat the Strongarm and two Banana Boys here (three blues), then get another 1-Up Chest, two Fanning Chests (two blues) and three Treasure Chests (blue and two greens) on a platform jutting out towards another Supercharge ramp. Glide off that platform to the ramp, Charging down it and jumping off at the end into a tree trunk forming an island. That's the final Supercharge ramp in the level, and as you jump off, you'll unlock:

  • S1 | Launch Date

    Tree Tops: Jump off every Supercharge ramp in Tree Tops.

    Guide for Spyro Reignited Trilogy - Spyro the Dragon (11)

    4 guidesGuide for Spyro Reignited Trilogy - Spyro the Dragon (12)Guide for Spyro Reignited Trilogy - Spyro the Dragon (13)Guide for Spyro Reignited Trilogy - Spyro the Dragon (14)

Make sure to crash into the Sealed Chest (gold Gem) as you land. Here, grab another Life, two blue Spring Chests and a red and three green Gems before jumping up onto a platform to defeat a Strongarm (blue Gem, 305/500). From his platform, to the right is the island with the Return Home transporter; glide down onto it and head over to the right back into the Whirlwind and up the Supercharge ramp it takes you to, then glide back over to the walkway on the starting building and up the Whirlwind there to return to the start again.

Head through the building once more, jumping through the window in the second room and continuing that way as before until you make it to the grassy island with the Supercharge ramp where we freed Lyle. As you land, walk right and look down at the edge to see a small wooden walkway connected to this island that ramps off at the end. Remember this walkway for later.

This next Supercharge is tough, far tougher than any other in the game, so I recommend walking over the platform where you freed Lyle so that the fairy zaps you and saves this spot as a checkpoint to return to if you fall into the abyss. Don't stop Charging at any point during this.

To begin, charge down the first Supercharge ramp onto the island ahead. As you land, keep the Charge going off the platform ahead and slightly right, jumping off to land on the second Supercharge ramp. As you jump off the end of this one, turn directly right 90 degrees in the air to find a third Supercharge ramp to land on. Turn right as you land on it and follow it up; you'll be going against the direction of its arrows. Before you get to the top of this ramp, jump off and ahead to that walkway I mentioned earlier, then jump again off the ramp at the end of it. Ahead and slightly left, you'll see an island with a Dragon on it; aim for this whilst still Charging and just as you start to drop, glide and you should be able to make it over to the island.

Up here, get six loose blue Gems, two Spring Chests (purple and gold), and easily catch the Green Thief carrying another purple Gem (395/500) before freeing Jed (Dragon 57/80). Once you're done, step into the Whirlwind on the right side of the island from Jed; it will take you back to the grassy island we began our Supercharge from.

For the other Supercharge we need to pull off, we need to return to where we freed Isaak. If you're up to it, you can repeat the Supercharge we just did until you land on the third Supercharge ramp, then stop your Charge; you'll be on the right island then. Alternatively, follow the regular path from here back through the level, then take the Whirlwinds to the start and continue along the path we first took when we begun the level to make it there. However you get there, we can now open up that Strong Chest (gold and five greens) we passed earlier on the ground level.

With that done, get up to the top of the Supercharge ramp for your next Supercharge. Don't worry, this one isn't nearly as hard. Charge down the ramp to begin, but as you jump off the end, don't go for the building ahead but angle slightly right instead to land on the ramp connected to the starting building below. Keep Charging all the way along this to follow a tunnel; at its end, jump off and over the spiky wall ahead to land on another Supercharge ramp, then follow that and jump off its end to land on the top level of the final island. End your Supercharge quick so you don't fall off, then get the Red Thief with a Pink Gem first or he'll go back to an earlier point in the level, forcing you to do that Supercharge again.

Grab everything else; three green and five blue Gems, two Treasure Chests (blue and green) and two Fanning Chests (two golds, 500/500). That should be the level 100% complete; if not, you likely have to go back and break a Sealed Chest from earlier by Supercharging into it for its Gems. Assuming you're finished, just drop to the lower section of this island and head into the Return Home transporter. Well done!

As you leave the portal, head left around the giant tree and head past the Boar to the platform with the Misty Bog portal, then continue on to the next platform with a well on it; drop down into it and head into the Wild Flight portal.

Wild Flight

Gems: 300

Dragons: 0

Eggs: 0

Skill Points: 0

Fodder: N/A

This next Flight Level requires you to complete it without touching the ground at any point for an Achievement, so keep that in mind. The objects are split roughly into two areas here; we'll take care of all the Chests and Planes first, then the Arches and Boats last.

As you start, dive through the first Arch and into the tunnel past it with purple sludge to get the first two Chests. On the other side, head up to the left to the top of a purple sludge waterfall into another tunnel with two more Chests; a Plane should be flying into it at the same time for you to Flame. Out of that tunnel, head right for the fifth Chest, and right again for the sixth and seventh. The last Chest is back at the start, so take care of all seven remaining Planes which are in this area. They fly in a loop pattern through the tunnels here, so glide into the tunnels the opposite way they are going so that they come into you to save time.

Once all the Planes are down, fly back out of the tunnel we entered this area from and get the last Chest on the other side, then turn right and follow the Arches down the river. You can flame any Boats as you pass them if possible. Be prepared to flap up after the fourth Arch as you round the bend of the river to get the fifth up on a bridge, then turn right in a new area for the sixth and seventh, and left for the last.

Turn around from here and head back down the river the way you came; you'll start running into the remaining Boats to flame. As you come back out into the starting area, try not to miss any as they loop around here before continuing on down the river. If you do miss some, you can take the tunnel on the right back up the river and you should run into them eventually, as well as any you have yet to encounter. Once you've got all the boats, you'll get the All in One bonus for 300/300 Gems, and if you managed to do it all without touching the ground at any point, you'll unlock:

  • S1 | I Believe it is Time for Me to Fly

    Wild Flight: Complete Wild Flight without touching the ground

    Guide for Spyro Reignited Trilogy - Spyro the Dragon (15)

    5 guidesGuide for Spyro Reignited Trilogy - Spyro the Dragon (16)Guide for Spyro Reignited Trilogy - Spyro the Dragon (17)

If you are struggling, finish the All in One run first, then start another run to try for the achievement again. You will still need to get everything in one run to complete the level, but you can take as long as you want without worrying about running out of time. Otherwise, you can quit straight out of the level.

Back in the Homeworld, take the Whirlwind out of the well, then head right and make your way to the other end of the level, past the giant tree, over the bridge and up the Whirlwind so you can go into the Metalhead portal.

Boss: Metalhead

Gems: 500

Dragons: 1

Eggs: 0

Skill Points: 1

Fodder: Chickens

Right as you jump up the stairs at the start of the level, a Strongarm will kick a Banana Boy to roll down into you, and another as you move further ahead, so Charge into both of them (green and blue Gem), then take out another Banana Boy (blue) who appears on his own. To the left of the stairs that the Strongarm is on top on, get two red Gems and two Treasure Chests (two greens), then jump up top for the two Strongarms and another Banana Boy (green and two blues).

There's seven red Gems to collect on this platform, plus two Metal Chests (two blues) and two Spring Chests (green and blue) on a platform that you can glide to from the stairs. Jump back up the nearest stairs from there and head straight forward to the edge, then look down in the green water to the right of the wooden bridge; you'll see there's a gate down here that is broken. Glide down to the ledge by it, then glide through to a ledge on the other side to end up in a hidden area.

Inside here, pick up a line of five red Gems, then turn back around to find a 1-Up Chest to the right of a doorway you passed. Turn around again and continue up the stairs on the other side of the area; at the top are four Metal Chests (two blues and two golds), and across the bridge from them is a Chest Key. Return back across the bridge, then down the stairs to the right to end up on the other side of the green river with three Treasure Chests (three blues).

Now take the stairs back over to the other side and ahead of you at the bottom, you'll see a Whirlwind through a doorway; it will take you up to a platform back in the main area. You'll get two green Gems as you land and have another three Treasure Chests up here (blue and two greens). From here, facing the start of the level, you'll see another platform to glide to; make it over there for a green Gem, a blue Spring Chest (124/500) and another 1-Up Chest. It's a bit of a long glide, so make sure you get as much height as possible from your jump.

We can move on from here, so drop down and go over the bridge for four red Gems, Charging into another two rolling Banana Boys (two blues) as you do so. Left of the stairs ahead is an Explosive Chest; set it off to explode the other three Treasure Chests with it and collect the Gems dropped (gold and three blues), then jump up the stairs to defeat the Strongarm and Banana Boy (two blues) and collect four more red Gems.

There's another set of stairs by this one; collect two red Gems, two Treasure Chests (two golds) and a blue Spring Chest to the left of them, then take those stairs up to continue on into the level. Two Banana Boys (two blues) will be kicked into you, then there's three red Gems on the right and two greens on the left, two more Strongarms (two greens) to take down, three Treasure Chests (blue and two greens) behind them and another Banana Boy around the corner (blue, 239/500). Finally, head down the ramp here to free Sadiki (Dragon 58/80).

Ahead from here is the room where you'll fight Metalhead. In the doorway as you head in is a green and two red Gems. This boss fight is pretty simple, and there's another Skill Point for defeating him without getting hit, which isn't terribly difficult; as Sadiki said, you just have to take out all of his power supplies by Charging into them. You have to do this when they're green though, as they'll shock you if they're red. You'll also have to dodge his laser attacks, as well as Banana Boys and Strongarms (these can't be Charged!) that he sends rolling towards you, so just keep Charging around the room destroying all of the power supplies to prevent getting hit.

Once they're all gone and Metalhead runs off, harvest all the Gems in the room, including ones that the enemies dropped for a total of 284/500 Gems (this count might be slightly different for you depending on how many enemies Metalhead threw), then continue on. Grab three red Gems ahead through the doorway, then jump up the steps to the left of them for a gold and two blues, plus any Gems on the ledge outside from enemies that Metalhead didn't throw at you.

Drop back down and continue onwards into the next room to fight Metalhead again; there's no Gems on the floor in here. This second part of the fight plays exactly the same as the previous, so just charge through all the power supplies when they're green whilst dodging any attacks, and when they're all destroyed, Metalhead will be defeated for good. If you beat him without getting hit by any of his attacks, you'll unlock Skill Point 9/14 (Perfect) at this point.

Grab all the Gems he dropped and any from enemies that he threw at you (361/500; again, this count might be different for you). Now jump back up the steps to the doorway you entered this area from and jump onto the ledge to your right. You can take the ledges from here up to an alcove behind a green waterfall with two reds, two yellow Spring Chests and the Strong Chest (two greens and three blues) to unlock.

Drop back down to the main area from here and head through the doorway past where Metalhead was. Grab a blue Gem in front of the doorway to the room with the Return Home transporter, then take the Whirlwind on the left up. Follow this ledge around for a litany of Gems and hop out the doorway at the end to head onto the ledge above where Metalhead was; you'll find the Gems from any enemies that Metalhead didn't throw at you here and two Treasure Chests (blue and gold) around the other side.

Take the doorway back into the building and glide across to the ledge on the other side with three red Gems and a Treasure Chest (green). Finally, head into the room with the Return Home transporter for a red and three greens. That should be 500/500 Gems, and you'll unlock:

  • S1 | Gems in the Rough

    Metal Head: Collect 500 gems in the level

    Guide for Spyro Reignited Trilogy - Spyro the Dragon (18)

    5 guidesGuide for Spyro Reignited Trilogy - Spyro the Dragon (19)Guide for Spyro Reignited Trilogy - Spyro the Dragon (20)Guide for Spyro Reignited Trilogy - Spyro the Dragon (21)

If not, use Sparx to point you in the right direction; it's likely that you left some gems in one of the rooms where you fought Metalhead, potentially from an enemy who rolled past you. Once you're done, take the Return Home transporter out of here.

Back in Beast Makers, turn left and Cray the Balloonist is right here on the pier; you have enough Dragons to go to the next Homeworld now, so head off to Dream Weavers!

7. Spyro the Dragon - Dream Weavers5. Spyro the Dragon - Magic Crafters

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Guide for Spyro Reignited Trilogy - Spyro the Dragon (2024)
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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

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Job: IT Strategist

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.