The Tablet from Brooklyn, New York (2024)

20 THE TABLET, SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 1955 encouraged them while they were GRAIL LEADERS AT PANAMA CJONGRESS PRIEST RESTORES apse wera members of the re cently concluded Dominican gen awaiting death. A widow, Eliza BOXER REBELLION eral chapter, headed by their TOWN'S INDUSTRY S.J.U. GLEE CLUB SPRING CONCERT Father GHIard to Lead, Sing beth Tsin. and her 14-year-old son. Simon, also among the prayed and fasted for new Master General, Father Mi chael Browne.

la Key Figure in Bringing MARTYRS seven days in preparation for RASED Since there are no existing relics of the newly beatified, the traditional presentation of relics their martyrdom. At Music Academy April 29 Textile Mill to Winooski the realty corporation, "was -due to the oath of poverty which he took in Joining the Society of St. Edmund. Rep. Niquette pointed out, however, that no decisions had been made in the transactions and that none would be made in the future without consulting Father D'Agostino, who was credited with negotiating the settlement of a strike at the American Woolen plant last year.

Father D'Agostino praised the Many pilgrims from Prance crowded St. Peter's for the morn to the Pontiff did not take place. Under the patronage of Arch' ing Mass and afternoon cere A. I 'i 111 Instead the Pope was presented bishop Molloy and a distin Winooski, April 20 (NO A Catholic priest was the key figure in a $100,000 textile mill with a silver statue which showed mony in which the new beati guished list of clergy the St, a Chinese virgin offering Our John's College Glee Club Friday Rites of Beatification At St. Peter's for 56 Who Died for Faith purchase which, it is hoped, will Lady a lily and a palm, symbols were declared.

Later In the evening, the Holy Father came from his private apartments to the Basilica to join in' venerating eveningApril 29, will present its 8th annual Spring concert at of purity and martyrdom. The II -r restore economic security to this the Brooklyn Academy of Music statue was presented by Father Theodore Tonil S.J.. postulator cooperation of Textron American in selling the mill property ml yv i with Rev. Edwasd F. Gillard community.

It was a great moment for Rev, Lorenzo D'Agostlno, S.S.E.. of St, the newly beati- the newly beatified. i The crowds packing St. Peter's on Sunday evening were excepi- 7 (r conducting. I It I I By G.

R. BEUNST 0 I I II of the cause of fled. The crowd's shown again as Archbishop Molloy Is chancel for $100,000 which was $75,000 less than the price mentioned in previous dealings with the Greater Burlington Corp. Michael's College here, when the newly organized Winooski Realty formally took title to tionally enthusiastic In greeting the Pope as he entered the basil- Vatican City, April 17 a time when untold numbers enthusiasm was the Holy Father lor of St. John's.

Serving with him as honorary patrons will be left the basilica. Thousands of new martyrs are suffering forjica to venerate the newly beati the Industrial property at cere The purpose of the Winooski Most Rev. James H. Griffiths jammed St. Peter's square after the Talth in Red China, the nea.

as trie Holy Father was monies at the college. chancellor of the Military Ordi Church has beatified 56 borne aloft on his portable throne Russell Niquette, a Represen the ceremony as it became dark and the Pope responded to their nariate; Auxiliary Bishop Ray V-; IK.i Uiuji women and children, both Chi-j through the densely packed group in acquiring the idle industrial plant is to attract new industries to Winooski, which has been hard hit since the textile operations "ceased last year. mond A. Kearney; Auxiliary tative in the State Legislature, who heads the Winooski group, i cheers by appearing at the light nese and Europeans, who were i throng to the Altar of the Chair, ed window of his private study I Bishop John J. Boardman and Bishop-elect Edmund J.

Reilly saia ratner D'Agostino was martyred during the Boxer Re- the crowd's cheers were at times bellion 55 years ago. (loud enough to drown out the Attending the '''solemn rites in sounds of the silver trumpets chiefly responsible for the sue The Winooski Realty of the Brooklyn Diocese and Rt Rev. Msgr. Gustav J. Schultheiss cessful negotiations fot the pur- announcing the Pontiff's entry.

St. Peter's Basilica was Pope cnase or tne land aridy EStldings and Imparting a blessing broadcast by-loudspeakers. The last beatification was of Blessed Placido RIccardi on Dec. 5, 1954. At that time the Pope, still gravely ill was unable to attend the ceremony personally Pius XII Chancellor of the New York Archdiocese.

Chester A. Allen and formerly owned by the American Pope' lias Recovered ZZ I I "sf," ilJ'' 1 is a non-profit, charitable organization, which has made $10,000 down--payment on the mill property, with -the previous owners taking a $90,000 mortgage on the balance. The Boxers were members of a John J. Lynch head the laic con' Woolen Co. The lawmaker, said the only reason the priest had It was the first "time since last tingent of patrons.

secret society who at the turn of the century were dedicated to wiping out by brutal force any not been named as an officer of Nov. 21, when Blessed Martin Moye was beatified, that the Pope The 70-voice glee club, one of but broadcast a brief blessing the best-known Catholic college European cultural or political; had formally entered the basilica RESORTS from his sickbed, i In accordance with traditional choral groups In the Country RESORTS New York has appeared on the concert practice two huge paintings rep New York thus Indicating again his astounding recovery from his grave Illness. The Holy Father was alert and smiling, bending stage and, over radio and televi resenting scenes from the mar sion approximately 100 times tyrdom of the newly beatified since its reorganization eight hung from two of the four great to the right and left as he ton tinuously blessed the crowd. years ago. This will be its first pillars supporting St.

Peter's Pictured above! as they left New York bound for Panama Influence in China. Including Christianity. They directed their persecution against European missionaries as well as Chinese Christians. Total or 118 Beatified The group of newly beatified Includes four French Jesuit missionaries and 52 Chinese laity. Their beatification raises to 118 Spring concert under the baton dome.

City, are; Miss Kathleen Walsh and. Miss Barbara Ellen Wald. The procession halted at least. mjm of Father Gillard, professor of Grail: staff members, who are attending the current Interna- 15 times to allow the Pope to put Ktsort tor aa philosophy at the college. Everyone Hicksville Plans Family tionai Catholic Rural Life Congress, and the Workshop on i Adult Education anrt fVinnpratives.

In nessirm in I Panama frrun on briefly zucchettos (white skull caps) presented by people who A tenor whose singing career began as boy soprano at St MflRF UARATinU FIIW 1 Jj HURimiLLE HEW YORK 5V L.ommiinion JJay April; 17 to 27. Invited to be delegates to the congress as repre- wanted to keep them as souve nirs. Peter's Cathedral. ScrantonPaM the number of those whose A "Family First Communion I sentauves or tne orau, an international Lay Apostolic Move Father Gillard will open the pro waaaa iiihiuivii a wia PIIVATE 60U' COURSE OK rHEBtSES ALL SfCm PIIVATE LAKE I0ATIM Day" is scheduled in St. Ignatius martyr's death during the Chi The Holy Father was preceded by 13 Cardinals and a large gram as soloist in "Thanks Be Loyola parish, Hickaville, Satur day.

May 7, it has been an 3 a our I jrom Nevs York to God for the Giftlof nese persecutions, beginning in 1617 and continuing to this JtC co*ckTAIL tower MUSIC D'ANCIHG tNTtBTAIHMtMT number of (Bishops, among whom were many missionary prelates. a composition of Patrick J. Daly, OPtNS MAY at nounced by Rev. Lawrence P. ment! for young women.

Miss Walsh and Miss Wald will take part in discussions on community development, woman and the family, housing, migration and colonization, cooperatives and adult! education, as well as sessions devoted to study of the resources of the Caribbean area. Miss Walsh is the daughter of Hon. and Mrs. Michael F. Walsh of Brooklyn and was active In the work of Monica House, Brooklyn Grail Center, at 81 St.

Marks Ave. i NIGHTLY a COMPLITI tuff 55 official organist of the university Ballweg, assistant pastor, who point out that the date- is the day, has earned for them the title of Blessed. Nineteen were beatified under Pope Leo XTTT, 14 under Pope St. Pius 29 in and assistant conductor of the glee club. The anthem was writ One of them, Bishop Leopold BrelUnger, S.J., of Kinghsien, China, who was' expelled" from his See by the Reds, gave the First Saturday bt Mary's month ten by the priest-conductor.

and the day before Mother's Day. 1846 under the present Pope, Three student soloists will ap mW HollVeoo4-Stylt4 Zlf and now an additional 56. Father Ballweg thinks the UfIUw IUILDIN8 Ail rwaM otta Za pear on the program: Joseph The 52 Chinese beatified In Benediction at the afternoon ceremony. Twenty-three of the new beati belonged to the emphasis on drills in line for- Five Hirls Tak Vnws Varsify-SJ Dinner May 18 The ninth annual Varsity-SJ Porrello, 'a freshman, who makes moHnn Tirol Vinor Htp VioriHcl -faijr' artvata aatS tad aarr. Wall-la.

Til J. Wall caraatlaa aaaae la aoary reea clude people of all social classes. Eight of them were under 21 his initial appearance as tenor reverently folded, taking of seats In Fresentation Order an am Kinghsien diocese. Dinner honoring athletes who soloist; William M. Weidler.

bass IDEAL FOR YOUR VACATION In addition to the Cardinals years of age and three were still in oraer, wearing 01 veus ana Newburgh, N. April 18 At baritone, rand William McBrien, catechumens. of the Roman Curia, His Emi rret Transportation wf represented j5t. John's University in eight varsity sports during the pianist. new suits pictures, parties gifts, a.

profession ceremony at the may have a bad psycholog- 7. i Among the beatified Is Peter raj-t isa xsvr ix tfurVvtuila OM nence Maurice Cardinal Feltin, Archbishop of Paris, was also oi awa 1954-55 season, will be held The program has been planned to meet diversified tastes in music and includes the wbrks of iVCM biiVWV UyVU balV AllBW VWUaliaU I nicants. who will Judge these the Presentation, five novices, Wednesday evening, May 18, in present. Among the numerous French pilgrims were a group ONEYMOONERS externals as more Important than all from the Diocese of Brooklyn, living composers as well as Tchou, pupil at the Mangins mission school whom the Boxers decapitated when he refused to apostasize. Another Is Anna Wang, a young girl who led her fellow -martyrs tn prayer and DeQray it was announced i of polio victims whom the Pope or reservations Phona: HURLITVILLI US-li R.

KWAPP A S. J. KNAP1 Mf. the reception of Our Lord in the pronounced temporary vows dur PIaccoH Sorarnorf I classics, folk songs, this week bV athletic director blessed with particular affection. OaVUOVVA kMaVa EMIIVaAKa I ao om Following tradition it will open i ill So with the nermission of Rt.

iVlttM By vcry Y- Seated on both sides of the Walter T. McLaughlin. Outstand with a trio of sacred songs. Rev. Msgr.

George M. Bitter- Jonn J- McormacKji oi Asbury Perk mann, VJ, pastor, one third otour 101 Louraes parish, Father Gillard Is serving as chairman of the concert. Tickets Now Jersey A ing player awards and the presentation of varsity letters will be among the highlights of the eve-! the narlsh'a 450 First Communl. oroojuyn. t.

ev. Msgr. xienry can be secured by writing him interesting pilgrimage of 42 days will feature A oants at tYim nntion of their nor- O'Carroll presided. Rev. John POWHATAN Third Avenue At The Beach.

ASBURY PARK. N. J. ning. at the college, 75 Lewis Ave.

ents. will receive with their Snyder of St. Mel's parish. Flush visits to the famous shnne of Our Lady of Lourdes in France, to Rome and Paris. Many nr.

mi familv. (Two other rrouDs of 150 8T. was master of ceremonies, Horn, REOPENING APRIL 29 will receive on other davs.) ane newiy proiessea are: eis RESORTS Long Island RESORTS Long (slant) Th child will com to church ter Mary vaieniine ezajgecKa, mm with hl narentk. dressed thev isier juaryi caiiista uauagner. FOR SEASON OF 1955 Reeerratteae Nov Beta Accepted Modified American or Earepea Plan Ratea and Information on Reojaeat PATTL S.

HTJRLET. OWNtR-MANAGEB Write, or Phone PReeaect S-4141 Spring Lake desire. Thev will i remain with Sister Mary Campion O'Neill him during the Mass. assist him Sister Mary Rene McDonnell when neeessarvL aeeomnanv him "id Sister Mary Chrysostom Group Outings Beach, N. J.

pfenic, DUFFIELD'S BEACH LAKE RONKONKOMA, L. I. HOTEL WELLINGTON "i to the altar rail and be Drivileeed Hailand rHa tn reraiva Hni rnmmnninn nt The sermon on the occasion his side. was preacnea oy itev. a.

IO Sixth A to, Aabary Park, N. I. OPENS MAY 14fh CANOES-ROWB0ATS BATHING WATER8ORT PLAYGROUND 1 ROnkonkoma 9-8979 N. Y. Fieldstone 3-7832 NOW BOOKING PICNIC AREA8 6AM ES PAVILLI0N REFRESHMENTS BASEBALL FIELDS Bslde tha elimination of re- Laurie or fct.

cnaries sorromeo Noted for Excellent Food OPENING MAY 27th American Plan ATTRACTIVE JUNE RATES Special Family Rates Block from Ocean and Lake Ocean and Pool Bathing FREE GARAGE PARKING Ph. Glbaon 9-0090 H. B. TAYLOR mint nd lenffthv rehearsals. Church.

Brooklyn, Who took as MAY A JUNa SPECIAL ANT BAY Per Ptrrtn. ta Room. Itaeladoo PaB Coarao Breakfaat. Bathina. Pukiava.

Father Ballweg points out, the tcxt "Ba ye perfect as also nlan nrovidea a restored em-1 your- neavemy mer per I Phono: PResaeet S-OOTT other picturesque cities and points of Catholic interest in France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Holland and England are included. Departure JULY 6 in the great transatlantic ship, the QUEEN MARY Rev. EDWARD B. BRADY Spiritual Director i You are cordially invited to accompany Father Brady on uhat will be an inspiring trip through Europe that will linger forever in memory. $1300 Far Illustrated brochure glvta fnH fetalis, writ Catljnlir rattei 1841 Broadway, New York 23, N.

Y. COIumbtia 5-7800 OR CONSULT YOUR LOCAL TRAVEL AGENT New Yerk tfew York nhasl the Barents' riehtful In the development of it Hotel Atlantic Annex role in preparing and leading showed the powerful help a their children to the altar raillu8ious vocation me ilu SPINDLER'S Resort HOTEL and a shift Inrstress from the Ailment of this command of tn niHtiiai aumUiii Christ to His followers and CT OUEST ROUSt Oaadartad tho atatan at JOSEPH'S Joan tha BaaaM. ASBCRT ASBURY PARK, N. J. European.

Plan. Block to Beach. Nea Restaurants. Theaters, etc Telertaion. Reasonable Ratea.

Homelike Atmosphere. For ReeerraUeae Phono PR 4-BSM Aak for Mr. or Mrs. J. E.

WHXETT VACATION. COPTV whirh ahonld hein relevate the pointed out that the predomi VlLUi AJT POlaLaJfKNT aVBBI-DKiCm FOR WOaCDW. Opoa Pint, rnmmiminn to tha helirht nating love in the life of the MAY.JUNE IDEAL Modern Accommodation Acres Beautiful Groan da Known for Good Food Friendly Atmosphere Social Activities VACATIONING co*cktail Lounge Established 49 years Free Trans, to Catholic and Protestant Churches 2 Swimming Pools raaaoaa. pi. j.

an Yaec Waak-: Paaooak S-SSM Bead for Leaflet. of all spiritual experiences or prounsr sisiers must De an miense th rhiM personal love of Jesus Christ, Main i a a B. a wicnouc wmcn it wouia De lm LADIES and COUPLES In aeareh af LT an ujbaxj uusbt HOUSE contact Dl. P.n...;Mn possime io practice seu-uemai VILLA MARIE CLAIRE ivrusaaers oi me unmacmaw Benediction of tha Bleated Bohokaa. N.

J. SAddlo River 1-0U A CELEBRATE DECORATION DAY $7.00 DAILY SPECIAL GFRIVQ RATS IXCLIDES fFMMIB UTI SJ8.6O-S40 WccUf EVERTTHINO WacUy Writ for Booklet "Tn KOSENDALB, ULSTEB COUNTY, X. T. Tel: Koaandalo tSJl and 1811 Heart of Mary will hold their RMrmnt crlven hv Msot. Old Fort Inri monthly Day of Reparation at O'Carroll, assisted by Father the Convent of the GoodShep- McCormack and Rev.

Robert I Atlantic City TRAVEL Located on Roata S2 l'o Thravay Exit No. 18 TRAVXL On Capo A rude! KenaebBBkaort, Mala Opoa a Jane SO herd. 250 Hopkinson BrooK- Q-conneU SSJ ooo'o'ooVo 1 iyn. inursaay, Apru m. wm 0n th, f0lowlnsr riav.

Rev begin at 10:30 ajn. The day wiU Francis. Walsh of Immaculate end With Benediction Of the eoneentlon narish. Port Jervis. MAR bVyUfi (MEALS INCU) A eenaenUl.

homelike hotel taetnr the anaa, aeaamodat-. Ins 200 aaeata. Fine eataiae. fiorf. bathinr.

fiahina, ail a porta. co*cktail lennsea. Daac-tna. Planned entertahameat. Bammer tboater.

Moviam. Elevator. Oarmca. New vark-. ExeeUent plane anal train Service.

Write foe eolor booklet. Jf.I. OflBee: ICC 0-4411. uiessea oacrameni at p.m. officiated at a eeremonv durine Salisbury Mills, Orange County, N.

Y. ev. creaen Mcurain, y-J- which eight young ladies, includ 1955 PILGRIMAGES to CANADA I ftatuhng spatial tftvotlont STC ANN! 4m BEAUPftf CAP at MAOCUINC ST. JOSEPH'S ORATOtY Why so YurtnerT Only So mllea from Na Tork la the aletoreaoae or oi. rocopius ADDey, jie.

ung four from the Brooklyn Dio win De reireai master. cege were invested with the Inl Reservations should be made habit and received TieliBlous BeaunoomnnrK Naaataina. Dellahtfnl Vaeatloa Roaort far Health, Root aad Recreation. Swtnunlns' Pool, Tennta, Handball. Daneint.

Tap room on rcmiaoa, other Outdoor Anaaomonta. Excellent German American cooking. Near Cathplia Charch. Write far BOOKLET. Tel.

Washingtenville 7355 HELENE HENGST by! mall, or by. telephone. EV. namesj The local Sisters are 5-0300. I Mis nolorp Harrlnn.

Sister Now ia tho Season when climate and comfort aro in perfect accord. arias Ratea treat SIS Dally far Two Eareeeia Plaa SlIELMRNE ON THE BOARDWALK Telephone ATLANTIC CITY 4-8tSt JOSEPH SC. KTTZEL la. Maaaeae P.S. New CorwoMrioa HoJ ana) Marv I Tlolorita: Mlu nrpncp SAcucMAVirru CRUISE EXTEMSiOtt "t-ii nr H.N.

5. Plana Variety Show Laureira. Sister Mary Judith A SUGAR i MAPLES The Holy Name Society of Miss Elizabeth McGoldrick, Sis Moatraal taMontraal) OFFICIAL Brooklyn Diocesan PILGRIMAGES ROME and LOURDES Jane tS vis KLM 17 Days $950 ftv. Jam Klf. LMtftr ltlutfi Iraltnd.

FriM. Itth ROME and LOURDES loir 6 fb oeta Mary. Canard Una 41 Day from $1,300 Rv. Edward Brdy, Luilv lMld IniUnd. Fruit.

tt(r, ariny. HolUnd and wltirlnd BROOKLYN'S TRAVEL BUREAU, Inc. 16 Remian Straat MA. S-22M Ahora -At Marta" Shop, at Bara BaU rl Mny Euhtnt Ht 0rft Uandart apaa antU r.M. Mary Queen of Heaven Church, ter Mary Shelia; MisS Loretta pUrt fad.

kM 459 CUESTS. DANCE ORCHESTRA NITELY; SWIMMINB POOL. HORSES. Brooklyn, will h61d it Springtime McKeown, Sister Mary Brian. All Sonquat FoeBitiea under comtrvo.

TENNIS. ARCHERY. ALL other aorta. variety show and dance Thurs- are rrom Queens On too Beaattfal Belarade Sion avolobio bt Sprkif Of 4. rnaia.

xelxa day. April 28. and Friday. April Rev, John T. fa*gan of Resur aeapuie tattaraa Ratea par oaak.

aiaala laaluaca Ma 2lt to Juno 11th $30 and no Jura 11th to JulT Jnd SSS and mo JuIt I mi to AQ(. 17 Hi and up Auc. S7th to Sept. SS and up 29. in the school auditorium.

E. rection Ascension parish. Rego Alt Travel Arraneamentt bjr TRAVEL LIAOUt tepamircJtea-Juiia toSptbar INCLUPCS: Spiritual Director Hotel Accommodations (Chatew Ffontenac Quebec, Ml Rcyaj, Mootrwt) Tour Escort Sightseeing Daily Mass 57th St. and Ave. N.

Entertain- Fart, preacnea. Benediction or Wrlta Box B. Maplarrort. N. T.

Phoaa Wladhaia. N. V. ISI Pino and blrrli trmo. All a lake trait.

Enallaat fliMna. trcut. be, perch, aiekarel. Bate aaody hoach. RarrMttca rotuca.

Banter atmnapnere. sueata. BxklaC T. CaataUr, Belarade Ma. ment.

under the direction of the Blessed Sacrament was im the liveliest and mast popular resort on the most beautiful lake in America. KERRY MANOR IB Oriental Ave Atlaatle CTty. N. J. John Kelly, will start at 8:30 parted by Father Walsh, assisted p.m.

and dancing will follow by Rev. Patrick O'Connor and With the ohmrm aad hospitality Everything oo the prem ises 230 acrti iwim with music by Tom Rubino and Rev. Francis J. McShane. New Hampshire tor laforaiaUaa tn4 Raaarvatigaa his orchestra.

Proceeds will go "Among the other priests pres old home Oom an raar. Oaa heat, bloc from Board waik. Directly opposite Holy Bptnt turoh Two delloioue meals Included at aha daily rate of Sd 00 per person to the parish fund. ent at the ceremonies from the UAPLEWOOD thne LAKE Ideal for Vacation or Honeymoon Our Own Private Lehe -Swlmmtnc pool, boatlnt. tennis.

All sports. Danclnt, Orcbeitra, Movies. Good Pood, Planned Activities. Modern conveniences Write for Booklet. MEMORIAL WEEK-END SPECIAL.

Includln Bverythina. JACK WELTER. Greenville 5. N. T.

TeL: 6-4415 4-4104 ming. i Diocese -were: Rev. camuius GARRITY'S Saaapee, N. H. (Lak Saaanee) Reeervauons now taken for the 1BSB seaaon June IS.

to Sept. 15, for pleasant and restful vacation, iood. home-cooked meals. Bend for free toMer Ladies Dav of Renaration Oentakes. Rev.

Thomas Nellie O. Barry and Mabel A Phone 4-OS4? rm JI i-, I movies. Fun and plenty. of planned entertain- 4 EUROPE Pennsylvania Pennsylvania ment. A grand place to 17 E.

29th St. Wednesday. Aoril Athletie League Staff get acquainted. Barmoda, Florida, California. Weat Iodira, Sk America.

Paeanaa other Part of tha World br STUAMER or PLANE aaaalal LOW THRIFT SEASON FARES All Raaraaentad Na Extra Charaee 27, beginning with Mass at 10:30 To Mark Jubilee with Prayer TAPTON. Pike Co PA. Sky-BUh In tha r--2l Dancing nightly in Dancir in St. Leo's and ending with Ben- Th. tafr of the Police Athletic FLORIDA? -Aottage-Lake Retort for the ne-oort tor the If holm Family HDSL: Inl ediction at 3:15 p.m.

The retreat League will pray for guidance HEATED SKYLAKE LODGE aad RO Indirtdoal rare eotUaaa. 4 Ron-the-elock aeUvtUee. SaUina. flshine. mil aawrtt 4 Complete entertainment.

Fameaa for flit faVf MtlTlt 8 master wui De ev. crenaan mc- nd a successful camnalm on Circle To an. 1 our beautiful casino to a fine orchestra. You will long remember our fine food. Housekeeping cottages for families.

Two TOTJR8 KCCHABJ8TIO CONGBKSS AT UO DC JANIKKO JalF ta HOIETMOORS Grath. O.S.B., of St. Procopius the eve of 25th annlver Vacation or Honeymoon OPEN MAT lat Bdtal A Cottage Retort, beerh. apaadbeat, raonat. teonia.

dasclnf. Btoriaa. CorkUU Inunta. "pea. Bprlns Rata.

Frank Calllaaa. Owner. Batten Lake 0rta N. V. Abbey, Lisle, HI.

Reservations aaryj Deputy Police Commis frf mtr T- Ilk! BE, 1 jjjj advance either slonerj James B. Nolan has an- snouia oe maae by mall or by 3-2257. telephone, MU. nounced. Personnel will recite private, sandy beaches naanroY to Bolt Erarr Padcet Lot Cs BooerTa Voar Bstat Aceominodatlona Drafta Money Ordors Irtab and Enallak Poand Notaa the Rosary Thursday, April 28 ideal for children.

67th LOCUST GROVE HOUSE at 11:30 a m.J in fh Ohurch of CHESTNUT LAWN HOUSE Via KAIL an OtLUXE MOTOR COACH PtrMiiaiiy EiMrttd ALL EXPENSEa 14 DAYS '272 ux INCL: HEALS Ttra a HOTEL! aiawTB a full oay, in miami BEACH PLoa Oritnda ailr aarlnti Cyrw t)ardM Taaiaa at: ratartkuri BaraMtd film Bmh Oaytwa BmiIi Ar. 2. Miy a. May 2, Juti 12, tit. AM IdaaJ far fartan Travattat Aianal aa Taur Travat A teat Or LE BEAU TRAVEL 4M PULTON Bar Hall) S'KLYN Call ULatcr 5-3440 Write ar Call 4t Yra.

Rallabla, Cturtaaul k.u. I box 6, k. Pa. Holy Shroud Hickiville Topic the Crucifixion. Broome be- wFUN TSrTOTT.TT.rTRAVa season.

Catholic church adjoins propertyi two Misses on Sunday. The St. Ignatius Loyola Aux- tween Mulberry and Mott JUSTFi ai'" AGENCY lliary of Christian will opposite Police Headquarters in meet Mondav. Anrii 25. at 8:15 Manhattan.

Non-Catholics will And everythiaf that makes for a perfect PALENV'IIXE, N. T. Pun snd recreation in the Catakills far the entire family. All sports aad swim-mine pool on premlaenear all eharrhee. Ideal apot for honey meonere.

Nice reema. Inri. all meals, S't May and Jane. 4 Julr and Aa. Children ander IS, rate.

Write er phono for booklet and Tel. BUSHKILL Ml OPtH ALL YEAR BOVETMOON er VACATION. All aaarta Oaaeiaa Oalltiatn Naaae Ceeklaa Catktall Laaata tatwenl Cat. A Prat. Ceennee arey Batee S4S afc.

oa.Beaklot ierrapoat Si, at Bora Hal p.m.. in the school hall on E. ai5 aiiena. i 161 Nr. Pultaii 8t Jaa'a Raatauraat Nlcholai Guest P.A.L.

month will be observed 'klya I. N. Y. PNaaa TR. S-I2S0 picture or reservations.

LVnbrook 4374 or Palenvllle S3I3. speaker Francis Walsh will in May. It is! a private corpora Grg. H. Eicslcr4 Owacr tooklot "CI- an IIULETT'S Hulart's landlna, Now Yark Phone Qemons, N.Y.

2301 give a talk on The Holy Shroud "on sponsored by the police ue- SALISBURY MILLS NSW YORK The MAPLES VALA 1 IUiX or HUNtTMLKJi-l(l Gay Friendly Informal Delightful Accommodations Excellent Cuiiine All Sports Modern Swimming Pool Dancing Coxy co*cktail LounaeRidinj is optional, rates with or without. TWIN PINE LODGE. RANCH The Resort el Distinction la the Scenic Pocooo Mountains OPININO APRIL 21ad TTrits for Bklt Beat Rt Stroodsbora. Pa. of Turin.

I partment in an effort to prevent ON THE LAKE in (fir erom.t. crime by preventing Juvenile delinquency. One-third of Modem. Refined. Beautiful Countryside.

Boatlac. Ratiiiu. riahlns. Outdoor BbnlBeooard. Tale- CRUISES loo Rooov New Knotty Pino Lountinff A 100.000 members are girls who Card Bono.

Baa A Cold Watw ta Booms. CRUISE OH I A YACHT! belong to the .80 precinct cen Eirallent Howe Cm Inf. Kaer Catnous cnareh. KatM 3I wkly. Includes ararythlnf.

Acs. SS. STONY CREEK 2 Beautiful 90-ft. CHESTER HOUSE Atop the Pocoae Mta. Tabyhanna p- SSS nd $t0 ear week each InrL arpUaned meala per day.

Uoriaa. daia 1 ters and the 36 part-time and Atlloriseo, and Bonded Agency For Sreamship and Air Linea MAN OFFICE RATES Troy travel Agency 6123 4th B'klyn 20, N. Y. GEdney 9-6107 Drafts Travelers Checks Foreign Exchange Notary Public Miimo acnoooers regular P.A-L. youth I centers NOW OPEN.

Tel." Weshtartenvitle STOt WILLIAM HOHJf 7j pIJ 7 5 named after deceased police DFOE RANCH STOWT CREEK. N. T. lBth PEA SON All facilities to suture you of a wonderful vacation. Lake, horses, aporta.

Families welcome in lng. fluitng and all outdoor aporta oa nraniZI ralhollr rhureb wltiila walking dJPtanrl Wi. PINE TREE COTTAGE GREELEY. PENNA. Ideal place for roung and old.

All year reanrt Eirallent aiaala. noaia style cooking, baking. All recreations: awiamtng pool. aatMla boraaa on WE REPRESENT ALL PILGRIMAGES To Rome, Rio de Janeiro, etc. Conducted Under Clerical Aaaaleea Make Toar Roaertationa NOW I SCHREIBER TRAVEL BUREAU Jamaica Aro.

aor. 144tk PL, Jamaica JA. 6-S85I eo-aa Myrtle Avaaaa, Rldsevood HE. 3-4660 EVA'S FARM iwj tafivvtN i 3iar irj ai itj i Send for neroes illustraturi (nMr I Adirondack Mt. Write for Booklet 1.

tor oocaiM. Phone Mh Pocon 5845 me 4951 130 mi. to Purllna (Cairo). N. Y.

Land promisee. Rates SSS $4 weekly. $75 tip per Reason for Indolence MORTON HOUSE Phone Laekawasen t-R-S week. Season June Tne reason some men can't WHISPERING HILLS COTTAGES Ml. Parana.

Pa. of Pip Van Winkle: all churches Shuffleboard. plna pona, roller rink. Flshtseelng. Room with board.

Day ST. wk. S36-S40. Incl. heat, hot water.

PCJCONOB Delicious food, cheerful. GREENVILLE, N. Y. Phone 5-4648 27 to Aua. 29 We Specialise In Bringing Your Relathrcs From Europe find something to' occupy their minds usually have little mind WnNFIr rlrlllCFC "OX 04 Open Now Eva's Honeymoon Cotbsee Reserve now for vacation or honeymoon, at our attractive housekeeping cottages swimmtne.

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comfortable rooms, friendly atmosphere everything nearby, Bt. John's adjacent. S3S00 weekly. BushktU Roost, Bush-kilt Pa. as Vaeatloas Arranase Pathem.

Tt. T. aorsoous view. Nr. villaae.

Bklt. D. Rates on request. Mrs. John J.

Sullivan. Proo. rtiss uirr to jbiuuei Lena Island phone: AXtel 7-0965 to occupy. i i.

The Tablet from Brooklyn, New York (2024)
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Author information

Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.