CHARLOTTESVILLE VA: TUESDAY AFTERNOON, PAGE EIGHT THE DAILY PROGRESS, CHARLOTTESVILLE TILMANS 1936. There a treasure chest of good things in store for you for the New Ycar! Health, wealth, and happiness are the best we call wish you. And may we to serve you! TODAY A As in the past, Phone Hill Irving provides 460 the latest in Invalid Transportation HILL IRVING, INC. FUNERAL HOME TRUCK LOAD OF OUR GOOD COAL- -WILL BRING GOOD CHEER TO YOUR HOME I I' Phone. 9873 Valentine Coal Co.
AFOR, Women and Children Galoshes A WALTERS 205 W. MAIN. FOR FINE FURNITURE At Moderate Prices sce 7 M. C. THOMAS FURNITURE CO.
FOR COUGHS AND COLDS PHOSPHATIC EMULSION 'A for children and to. take pure cod liver oil. Timberlake's Drug Store Phone 166 Auto Delivery The Perfect New Year's Resolution A Quart -Day of clarified and properly pasteurized milk and an abundance of other pasteurized dairy products. 888 Monticello Dairy Inc. 'DECEMBER 31, 1935 STATE REVENUES SHOW INCREASE Gain of $1,557,792 Over Five Month Period Is Shown RICHMOND, Dec.
revenues from sources increas. ed $1.851,793 during the five months ended Nov. 30 over the same period last year, while State, expenses increased only $118,191 In the same period, it was reported yesterday. Assistant Comptroller Sidney Day said there was a steady improve ment in the revenue situation, both as to the general fund and special, funds. Tax receipts for the five months were up $1.464,621 and the general fund: receipts climbed $1,041,672 over the same period of 1934.
On the expenditure aide of the ledger maintenance and operation expenses Increased $4,860,143 and capital expenditures declined: leaving a net Increase of $413.191. The difference maintenance ad and to operation expenaca, as compare last year, was said to be due largely to; the transfer of highway expenditures classification as capital outlay to maintenance and operation. Office For Census To Be In Lynchburg LYNCHBURG, Dec. Headquarters for business census In the plath congressional district. will he located in the Federal build-1 Ing.
J. Frank, West, District supervisor The office announced will eight ties and cities of Roanoke, Rad ford, Buena Vista Covington, Chiton Forge, and Lynchburg. Forty are to be employed. The census la scheduled to start January 3.3 Eyening Wear (This cows will make you the of attractios on any ballroom door. It le saay to make.
he 10 bust and Dire material 19-mich material for contrast. For the pattern send 15. cents' in stamps or cola (coin preferred). Send your order to Fashion Bureau, 18th Floor, 461 Eighth Aid, New York city TOO MANY BEAUS by Alma Sioux Scarberry, INSTALMENT 30 It. was the drat of September before Jane Lee was able to pit up.
The Brat thing to be 'settled was Sugar's future. Sugar sat at Jane's feet litthe stool by the lily pond while they talked it over. may do just you Patsy Ann." Jane Lee reached out and took her sinter's band Into her lap. "Cart and I can't be married till he's' out of Virginia Military Inati Sugar's brow wrinkled thoughtfully, it's all right with you. and we can get my credits straightened, I'd like.
to so to colamiled. "That's what I hoped you would my. Have you any choice? The Langworthy women and the Shiplee women, our mother's people, have always 'gone to Sweetbriar. V. M.
I. 1 you'd love it. run down for the football games. "Oh, that would be wonderful!" Sugar exulted eagerly. "Let's hurry and see what.
we can do about must have my shopper pick up a wardrobe" for you in New York," planned excitedly. know my taste, and can describe, you to her and send your Her selections are flawless. Sugar sighed. "It's too good to be true. But who will take care of Jane Lee held out her arms.
mother-always. Come close to me, Sugar knelt -by' her chair and put her check against the cool pale one of her stater, "Tell me," Jane Lee asked, softly, "can you really forgive me? Oh, my darling, I was so unfair to: you." Sugar pulled away to look grave ly Into the eyes that, she had once thought so cold and sinister, "There la nothing- but love inimy heart for you, I haven't suffared any more than you. Not much. I was a baby and didn't know any differently. was never really unhappy at, the orphanage." Jane- Las clutched her to her again, convulsively.
only you could have been 'my daughter," she meld with sob. "Oh, 1 wonder if they'll ever And Zante It was the next day that the rived in a long wire from Scoop. news came of the runaways. It "Dear Mira. La Masters.
The cheep turned up today when Johnny De Ville came to the: Democrat looking for a job in the art departstory, Zante Lou took the money ment and asked for me. This is the and she and Johnny eloped to Richmond and were married the next day. Both were afraid to come back or send word because they were sure they would be arrested. The two thousand la gone I landed job here for Johnny: Both look well and seem happy and genuinely in They will communicate with you on promise of forgiveness. Zanie Lou saye she eloped to apite Skip Lanier and Sugar, but: bad.
the good fortune to discover she was In love with her husband. Haven't told them the big about Patsy Ann. Will with your permission. Wire me what to da Regards, Scoop O'Reilly." December twenty-fourth came and brought with it perfect snow fall that transformed: Lorien into a movie set. Cart and Patay Ann were arriving home for the holidays.
They were, early and it was joyful, broadly grinning Eurasia who held over their. heads an they entered the door. The cadet captain picked the sweetest and prettiest girl from Sweetbriar up In his arms and kissed her tenderly, "To' all mus' come right now an' see de Christmas tree," the old darky said, hustling them toward the big living room. "It de bigger' one yo'. evah set eyes Cart carried Sugar.
down the hall Eurasia opened the door, and in a second. they were surrounded with a laughing, mob of holiday celebrators Jane' Lee, Dick, Zanies Lou, Skester-Johnny! Jim Carter sat Sugar down. Sheeter was the drat In Aust Patay's arms. His kisses were davored deliciously with peppermint Then came Jane Lee and Dick -and Anally a radiant Zanle Lou. Sugar hesitated when Johnny's turn came for 4 kiss.
Then she held out ber hand. "You're looking well," Mr. Howard Chandler Christy- -Montgomery Flags De Ville. How you- been?" Her facetiousness cleared the alr. Johnny grinned.
"Terribly married, Miss Langworthy. And you?" She slanted a roguish brown eye at Jim Carter.5 A "No not married, woe la me. But still hoping." The amazing dimple that came cut' in her right cheek' only, when she: was entirely at peace with the world popped open like a flower. Cart caught his breath' at her beauty, and gathered her F. in his arms.
His gray uniformed shoulders squared proudly. "Ladies, and gentlemen," he cleared his. throat importantly. "You see before you. the future Mr.
and Mra." James Carter La Masters. June twenty-fourth is the day. If there is one among you wha jects to this union, let him speak now, or forever hold his peace." THE END Copyright, 1935) Mrs. R. Vanderbilt To Be A Dressmaker NEW YORK, Dec.
31-UP-Mra. Gloria Morgan Vanderbilt's ambition for is to become really great 'dresamaker." "One of the greatest in she said today, as she prepared to move from her imposing town house to a little three rocm apartment near her sown shop. The comely' widow of Reginald Vanderbilt, who lost a battle for the custody of her 11-year-old daughter' and' who subsequently rave up her Income from bet daughter's estate, said she was content to be a working woman for the rest of her life. the only pleasure I have had this year has been my bustness experience," she said. "I would.
be desolate without the Semet COKE A splendid fuel, due to its cleanliness -No smoke, or soot And very reasonably priced for this season of the year Phone 416 and your order, today Burnley Bros. 'Coal That Burns' Men's and Boys' Winter Weight UNION SUITS BOYS' 75c $1.00 MEN'S UNION SUITS $1.50 And $2.50 self to, is really here, and you owe it to Winter keep healthy--by keeping warm. your. Hawkins Bros. Co.
CONSUMPTION IS OFTEN INACTIVE Tests Necessary to Deter. mine Whether Suffer. er Needs Rest -(By Jus. W. Barton, M.
A physician making a. routine examination of a number of gymnasium members came chest indicating a fair sized cavity. in the right lutes. As he looked up the gymnasium member smiled and said, "Ob yes, I had tuberculosis some years ago. but I'm all right now.
i In other words the 'tuberculosis bad "dried up" or was Now it Is often matter of concern to. the patient and physician to know if a formerly active culosis, which has apparently; ed, is still completely rest, whether it may have started up again in a sciall or quiet manner. Dr. H. Decker, Berlin, made some special studies on this problem: because if the tuberculosis has become even active it means that rest must be taken whereas if at rest of inactive, the patient "can to about his usual business any test.
of consequences, sequence His method of Investigation Arst to 'examine the blood, then ins ject old tuberculin a into the patient and examine the blood again twenty-four and forty-eight hours afterwards. The lest was made on patients known to have -active tuberculosis, Atty persons without tuberculosis and eighteen patients who formerly had had tuberculosis, but in whom a complete examinaLion now. gave no signs of any. active: tuberculosis (healed or cured cases In unhealed all patients with the active or, tuberculdsts there was an increase in the number of what are called the cella, after the Injection of the old tuberculla, wherein the nity persons without tuberculosis this increase did not occuri The eighteen persons who had recovered from pulmonary tuber. culosis likewise had no change in the staff cella.
Their blood was the mame as the fifty who had never had tuberculosis. Dr. Decker therefore. concludes that this increase in the staff cells after the injection of old tuberculin shows that the tuberculosis is in an active state. Fortunately the X-ray is of great help in learning the condition of the lungs and whether or not tiny cavities are closing or.
healing, but it Is certainly gratifying to have this extra test in those who. bave had tuberculosis, (Copyright, 1938) A score of hunters seeking wolves were unprepared for a cow with a young calf. The. cow. resentful of invasion to her pasture, chased them over.
a barbed wire fence. The wolf bunt was called off, YOU HURRY. YOU MAY STILL Th TYPE NUAladdin Mantle WHITE LIGHT If you kerosene for lighting. not overlook this opportunity to provide yourself. with this amazing new 1936 Aladdin at only $4.95 -It is without ques in an Aladdin.
ever tion offered. the With greatest prices value on practically all other goods advancing, it is not reasonable to sappore Aladdin can lag behind. Get youre and New Am Poor fast ether and Come In TODAY for DEMONSTRATION I Carry Supplies us for special Deal on Aladdin Lamps! H.H. Hankins Co. ENJOY YOUR FOOD Quickly the excessive Gastric Acidity, Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Flatulence.
Pleasant tasting Rexall Liver Salts. Prompt Laxative 1. Fitzhugh Bros. Inc. DRUGGISTS Influence Of Long Holding Louisiana NEW ORLEANS, Dec.
$1- UP) The national government was Ing hand today in controversy over "fair" election for the January, 21. primary, tantamount to election In Democratic Louisiana. The anti administration faction led by Congressman, Cleveland Dear, candidate for governor, has repeatedly charged that the adminlatration of the late Senator Huey P. Long plans, to the votes. Governor 0.
K. Allen, candidate term, for Long's controls unexpired election: who: machinery has" asserted just vigorously that the election will bey honest. Congressman Wilcox, Florida Democrat, member of congressional committee Louisiana election lode awaited replies to telegrams an ing the Parish- (County) Boards Supervisors of election to give ea faction representation at the poll VIRGINIA: FEDERAL. OFFICE RICHMOND, Dec. 31-4P-3 terior.
Secretary Ickes has formed Wilbur Hall, chairman of the State, conservation and De velopment Commission, that it become necessary to reme some of the Federal offices the District of Columbia sideration given to Beard titles In -Virginia" MODERN WOMEN cola, Need per Not Safer para and delay vous strain, esparure Diamond Brand Pulls rollable and give Quick Rellel. Bold by for ever 45 years. Ad for CHICHESTERS DIAMOND P. No: Reduced Prices Asphalt RoofingsFactory reductions are passed on at once. Asphalt Roll Roofings Full sise and weight, tolls contain sufficient to lay 100 sq.
Cement, nails and sizible instructions Smooth Surfaced Slate Surfaced Challenge, light and Extra quality Asphalt for tem- Roofings covered ASPHALT porary use 75c with finely crushed 35-lb. roll aon-fading natural Spotless standard color slate, Strictly quality. Arat quality, po sec All onds. or Mill Medium 45-1b. ..1.10 guaranteed full weight stated.
underwilk. meets Spotless U.S. Bureau Special- of ers approved. Standards spec 90-lb: roll Red or treen. 1.90 tion SSR501.
Under- Variegated Color writers approved. or mixed color. Heavy Er. 2.00 roll 1:70 Ar Cut from rolls of Slated Asphalt Rookingd Shingles It. Sold All in fret sutdcient quality.
quantities Underwriters' to cover 100 Mg Hexagon. Standard Super Tab Shingles. Square Butt Shingles or Inc Size or Sis extras large Furnished in red Furnished in red Green only; extra 1-3x36 4.50 10 36 12x36 160 200 5.601 220 5.60 Galvanized Roofings: 2V, 5V, Corrugated; Galvanized Roll Tin. Eave Trough, Conductor Pipe, Flat Metal Sheets ete. Also Roof, Paints, Roof Coatings and Roof Cement" Dally Free Delivery on Purchases of sL00 or sore Spotless Stores 100-102 West Main St.