The Daily News Leader from Staunton, Virginia (2025)

TWO THE EVENING LEADER STAUNTON, TUESDAY, JULY 3, 1923. ASOCIETY. There is sever a bloom like the living child. Nor a treasure of heart 89 fair-. And the world sings on and the heart beats wild For Whenever children a child are thothere and, sunny streams, And gardens and graces and flowers.

And. Lord be praised for the beautiful dreams Of the children that have been ours! -F. McK. Entertains Mrs. Russell Lively entertained last evening at her home, 502 Tannehill street, her guests including a number of visitors as well as local people.

There was dancing, and refreshments were served. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. P. S.

Nuchols, of Baltimore; Mrs. George Bright- and daughter; Mr. and Mre. Walter Kennedy and son; Mrs. Jos.

Byrne, of Washington; Mr. and Mrs. John Snead; Mr. and Mrs. John Ervin and daughter, of Lynchburg: Mr.

Happy Ervin; Miss Laura Greaver, of Baltimore; Mrs. John Greaver: Mrs. Josephine Erickson, of Portland, Mrs. Ed Stover, and Miss Elizabeth Stover. At BrookewoodMr.

and Mrs. Arthur H. Myers are spending some time at Brookewood. with Mr. Myers' grand parents, Mr.

and Mrs. S. G. Henkel. They were married at Roanoke on Saturday.

Mrs. Myers, who is a very attractive yuong woman, was before mar- Good Night Stories Blanche Silver Illustrated by Neva Harrison WHAT WISE LITTLE MOUSIE LEARNED. TAEN Bobby Mousie came to live under learned the that he kitchen had floor, made he a soor terrible mistake. tell you," soreaked his. nearest neighbor.

"you'll never regret it but once, that be always. Why. I haven't thad a night's rest since I moved in. How did it happen that you didn't move into the barn "Too replied Bobby Mouste. "But tell me, friend, why do you pity me "You because won't I moved have in to here very long before you discover the reason." replied his neighbor.

"In the first place, a large white cat lives in the house here. and she wer misses a night hunting in the 1 isement. Why. I've escaped by sheer luck from her more times than I have toes. I can't see for the life of me why she always waits.

until after night to hunt." "She does?" queried Bobby Mousie, his eyes growing brighter. "Doesn't she ever hunt in the daytime?" Hie good neighbor shook his head and Bobby Mousie sat down to think. There must be some reason-he wondered what it WAR There, was just enough sporting blood Mousie to cause him to make up his mind that he would zo and And out from Pussy Cat himself. So, much against his neighbor's advice, Bobby Mousie waited for Pussy Cat that very night at the foot of the stair. He stood with one foot in his doorway.

And when Pussy Cat's whiskers poked Not Get Me!" around the step Bobby Mousie bowed very politely and called Pussy Cat': name. "I'm so glad to welcome you to our, kingdom," he began, his heart fluttering against his little coat. "I've beer sent by the King of All the Mice to ask you a few questions. Now don't come any nearer!" he squeaked. for Pussy Cat looked a8 if she would jump on him.

"For my feet are already in my house and the first move you make I'll drop out of sight. You'll not get me!" mewed Pussy Cat. interested In this queer little mouse, the very fire that had failed to be frightened by her "May I Interrupted Bobby Mouste "Our King says that we mice would be much better tasting if we had a wee bit of In our heads: So he has sent ask why you cats always hunt at Well laughed Pusey Cat, "I don't know bat you would taste better if you had more brains: so I don't mind letting you live to learn. At night the pupils of my eyes grow much larger than they in the daytime. That makes my stronger, so I can hunt at well as by day, and it's at that you mice ran around." why do you wear those lovely Bobby Mouse asked.

Cat smoothed her whiskers proudly with her paws. This wag the fret time they had ever been called movely." and it greatly pleased her. You see, my whiskers are just the width as my body," she replied. in hunting. they happen to touch the aide of a hole.

I know that cannot venter the place. We cats have been furnished with pads for our feet no one can hear us walk. A I'm not going to eat you, little Pusey Cat purred. "'So run ck tell. your tribe all that you've that Pusey Cat turned around went back up the stairs.

but there was great rejoicing in caller that night. for Bobby Mousie friends and they had good after they had decided not to out the cellar at night. Pussy the cellar night after night. always went away hungry. The pa 1018, BOR by too Newspaper wise for Feature her.

Service, Ine. WATCH THE COLOR OF YOUR SKIN Yellow Means You Need Calotabs, the De-Nauseated Calomel Tablet that is Purified and Refined from Nausea and Danger. Feel mean, look yellow? Your liver is out of fix! The poisonous bile is being retained in. your system. You need a good -dose of calomel for it is the only thing that will 4o.

the work. Why not try Calotabs, the perfected calomel tablet that is as delightful to take as it is beneficial in cleansing the liver and purifying the system? One tablet at bedtime, with a swallow of. -that's all. No taste, no griping, no nausea, no salts. You wake up in the morning feeling fine, with a clean liver and a hearty appetite.

Eat what you -110 danger. Genuine Calotabs are sold only in trade-marked packages. Price ten cents and thirty-five cents. The finest medicine in the world for billousness, indigestion and. constipation.

So fine that your druggist is authorized to refund the price: as a guarantee that you will be thoroughly delighted with 7-3-1t-ebp-c. STATE BAR'S PRESIDENT HITS AT DRY LAWS NATURAL BRIDGE, July address by E. P. Buford, of Lawrenceville, president of the Virginia Bar association, in which he attacked the 18th amendment to the constitution as- legislation which should have 110 place in the organic law of the land and deplored the growing tendency toward centralization, of governmental functions in the federal power featured. the opening sesof the association.

sion, heron conclusion staton address, which was applauded frequently, the association offered a rising vote of thanks. At the afternoon session reports of committees were made, only that on uniform state legislation meeting with rejection at the hands of association. Instead of adopting the report as offered by Eugene C. Massie, of Richmond. A resolution was adopted favoring such legislation as has been approved.

by the- national committee on uniform law but disapproving the recommendation that the general assembly establish a land court to give the "Torrence land registration act a chance." Heated Discussion This proposal met with heated discussion, practically the entire bar opposing Mr. Massie's recommendation on ground that there is no need in the state for any other court of, limited jurisdiction and that judges of courts now established should be better paid rather than create offices for more judges. Election of officers and an adS dress by Judge Joseph L. Kelly, of Bristol, president of the Virginia supreme court of appeals, will featare today's session. The sessions are being held at the Natural Bridge B.

Dull on July 1, a 14 pound daughMiss Cammie Ryan is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. B. Wade in Lexington. Mrs.

Wm. B. Yancey, whose hueband. Capt. Yancey, has been staioned at Ft.

Benning, for the past year, is visiting her sister. Mrs. S. D. Timberlake Jr.

She is accomvanied by her children. Mrs. Fanny Tidd. of Indianapolis, Mr. W.

A. Tidd. of Staunton. and Miss Ruth Barber, of Burkeown, spent a very enjoyable day at Grottoes Sunday. Mr.

Peter Harrington, uncle of the Misses Meredith, of Staunton, is very 11 at his home in Covington. Mr. F. A. Talley, who has been in Wilmington.

is spending soma time here with his family. ter. Dolores Lynnewood. Miso Sites returned to her home near Staunton. after being the louse guest of Mr.

and Mrs. Sites in Bath -Covington Virginian. Dr. H. H.

Jones, formerly of Doe Hill. buts now residing at Dunmore. W. Was in the city this week on his way to Highland county, where he will visit for several weeks among old friends and relatives. Mrs.

J. A. Moore, Miss Iris Moore, Mrs. J. W.

Black and William C. Black expect to leave Wednesday by motor for Norfolk, where they will visit former's daughters, Mrs. H. B. Leggette Jr.

and Mrs. Philip Derring. They expect to. return via Washington. Mr.

and Mrs. J. E. Healy, of Norfolk. and Miss Ethel Driver, of Richmond, motored to Staunon to visit Mr.

and Mrs. Joseph Dudley. Mrs. J. H.

Noon and son, Arthur, arrived yesterday from Kentucky and are visiting in the home of Mre. Noon's sister. Mrs. Daisy Hanger Ashby, at Churchvilie. Miss Mabel Lavell, of Washington.

is visiting her sister, Mrs: M. L. Coons, on North Augusta street. Mr. R.

K. Mehurin, of Coalburgh. W. who has been visiting at her old home here, has left for New York. whence he will sail on the Leviathan for Europe on July 4.

Mrs. F. F. Sterrett and little son. from Buena Vista, are, guests of Mr.

and Mrs. Tate Sterrett 011 West Beverley 'street. Miss Virginia Holt will leave Thursday for Newport News where she will visit Mrs. Robert Holt for several weeks. Mrs.

E. G. Olivier is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. H.

F. Norris at their camp near Deerfield. Miss Virginia Mills, of Richmond. spent week-end here at her home. Dr.

Paul Colonna, a member of the staff of the Reconstruction hospital. New York city, was a visitor in Staunton Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jos.

B. Woodward have returned from a ten days' visit to Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. William Ham have gone (to Boston, where they will spend a month.

R. O. GARRETT REPORTED BACK AT CUMBERLAND CHILD riage Miss Bernice Williams, of Thaxton, Mr. Myers spent his boyhood at Brooke pod, but in recent years has made his home in Roanoke, where they will be at home after July 15. They are accompanied by Aliss Ola Williams, sister of the bride.

Going AbroadMiss Ethel Jett and Miss Hilda Gleaves left yesterday for New York and will sail on Tuesday on the Canopic. White Star steamship line on a European tour. They will join a party of in New York who will accompany them on this trip. They will also be joined in New York by Miss Dorothy, Moir, who left Roanoke Friday for Times. AnnouncementMr.

and Mre. J. R. Boad of North St. Clair street announce the riage of their daughter.

Edith paretta, to Mr. William Raymond Curry, on Saturday, June 30, by the Rev. Edward T. Clarke of the Baptist church. Mr.

and Mrs. Curry will make their home in Staunton. -CashMr. Robert F. Doyle of Cold Springs, and Miss Cash of Augusta county were married today at one o'clock by the Rev.

W. E. Davis at the Second Presbyterian manse. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Peter Cash of the county, and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Addison Doyle. Tea For Visitor- Mrs. James Foster has issued to tea to be given toa morrow afternoon from four to six at her home on Madison place in honor of her guest, Mrs.

Felter, of Brooklyn, N. Y. Dance Tonight- Probably the most interesting dance of the summer season will take place tonight in the pavilion at Gypsy Hill park. The directors of the dance, Messrs Hunter Cochran All Southern Seven orchestra, which and Martin it Sibert, have obtained the is playing in the South this summer under the supervision of Jan Garber, to furnish the music. Three Staunton boys are playing with this organization, Messrs Herbert Fox.

Reginald Coleman, and Robert Fulwiler. Invitations have been issued all over this section of the state, and already several cars from North Carolina, where this orchestra recently filled a most successful engagement of six nights, have come here for this affair. Chaperones for this dance are Mesdames Max Mercereau. Harry Woodward. Martin and William PerFranklin Hanger, Woodbury and Cecil Taylor.

Sutton-MitchellAnnouncement was made in Charlottesville yesterday of the marriage of Mr. H. M. Sutton and Miss Willie Mitchell, both of that city. The ceremony took, place.

June 7 at Crozet. The bride is a daughter of Mr. C. H. Mitchell, of Charlottesville.

For some time she has been the popular at the Jefferson News stand there. Mr. Sutton has been: for someyears past, the manager of the Charlottesville Coco Cola plant. He formerly lived in Staunton. Birthday PartyA Birthday PartyA most enjoyable birthday party was given at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. P. Harrie, of near Greenville, June 30. in honor of their 9011 and daughter, Florence and Lewis, the candles on the cakes numbering forty The house was tastefully decorated. the color scheme being pink and white.

Music and games were played until a late hour when the guests: were invited to the dining room where. delicious refreshments were served. Those present were: Misses Catherine and Elizabeth Dedrick of Greenville: Lelia and G. Nair. of Lexington, Madeline and Gladys Harris, Ester Harris, Florence Harris, Pauline and Ethel Nuckoles, of near Swoope: Messrs.

Houston Lawhorn, Lewis and Austin Harris, Archie Carrol, William Strickler Harry Lucas, Erskine Sweet, Oliver Carleton, Gilmer Nuckoles, Hoy Harris. George Harris, Mr. and Mrs. A. E.

Nuckoles, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Paxton and family.

Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Kerr.

Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Harris, and Mrs.

R. Harris. At GreenvilleDr. and Mrs. Chas.

MeChesney Bray, of Morgantown. W. were married last Saturday, stopped in Staunton yesterday enroute to Greenville, where they will spend several days with relatives. In Staunton they spent a short time with Mrs. D.

Burwell, 146 North Coalter street. Today Dr. and Mrs. Bray will motor to Natural Bridge. PERSONALS PERSONALS Mrs.

J. L. Cummings, Misses Virginia Cummings and Virginia Beckham. and Mr. Ralph Mooers motored to Charlottesvilleville 'this morning.

Mr. George Early. of Charlottesville. is spending several days in the city. Miss Sarah Belle McCue, of Charlottesville, is a guest of Mr.

and Mrs. H. B. Miller at their home 011 West Frederick street. Misses Elizabeth Bowman and Virginia Stimpson are visiting Miss Lucy Morton Payne at her camp near Deerfield.

Mr. Benj. H. Klotz. student at the Yale university school of medicine.

is 'spehding several weeks with his brothers." Born---To Mr. and Mrs. Chas. B.I RICHMOND, July' was reported today from Cumberland county -that Robert O. Garrett, charged -jointly with his brother, Larkin C.

Garrett, with murder in connection with the killing of the Rev. E. S. Pierce, has returned to his home. there.

Garrett left Elizabeth hospital here Sunday morning in company with his wife and son. Prominent citizens Cumberland Courthouse said today that they saw him in an automobile Sunday. With him was his brother, Larkin, it is reported. Robert was propped, up pillows and appeared to be re-. clining, it is said.

It could not be ascertained. in Richmond today whether or not Robert had definitely left this city, but little credence was attached to the report that he would spend several days here. It is believed that he has returned to his home and. will remain there pending the trial of July 26 Cumberland Courthouse. Considerable interest today attached to whether the defense or commonwealth would summon Alfred James, colored, as a witness in the case James was the man who was arrested and held in the jail here for several weeks 011 a charge of being suspected of shooting A.

M. Chandler, who was shot from ambush several weeks before the killing of Mr. Pierce. Questioned by Garrett James was taken back to Cumberland county and held for the grand jury, but subsequently released on a writ of habeas corpus sued out by his counsel, Captain John A. Booker.

It was from City Sergeant Saunders, of the city jail, that James was brought to the Richmond jail by Larkin Garrett and subsequently questioned by the two Garretts and two other men from Cumberland county. It was learned from Chief of Po-7 lice C. A. Sherry that one of the Garretts asked police to question the negro, but that' the chief declined to have this done. It is reported that of the members of the force did James questions, but the aBle nature of them could not.

be ascertained. It also could not be ascertained what questions the Garretts asked of James while in the city jail here. Mr. Saunders said that James was interviewed by them for some time. This was about two weeks after his arrest.

Whether James, as witness at the Garrett trial, will be asked to tell the substance of conversations between himself and Garrett could not be learned. Hilton Bonifant, acting commonwealth attorney of Cumberland, today said he did not see at this time any direct bearing that the testimony of James would have onl the case, but that he did not know whether the defense would summon him. Major Chas. S. Roller has returned from a several days' stay in Baltimore and Washington.

SUBSCRIBE TO THE LEADER ANYONE can make Perfect Jam or Jelly by the CERTO Process By following a simple CERTO recipe you can now make perfect jam or jelly with any fruit and have a Bountiful, varied supply of the most delicious jams and jellies you have ever tasted. With CERTO, jam or jellymaking is delightfully easy and economical. Only one minute's boiling required, thus saving the natural color, flavor, fragrance and delicacy of ripe fruit. No re-boilings -the right consistency the first time. No juice being lost in boiling, you get one half more jam and jelly at less cost per jar.

est flavor. Pit and crush sell about lbs. fruit. Measure 4 level cups (2 Sour cherries give finCherry Jam CERTO lha.) cherries pitted into and large crushed ket- (Surejell) tie and add cup Contains No Gelatine Nor Preservative water. Tie 3 tablespoons pits in cloth and crush CERTO is a pure fruit product.

It is sold with bammer. Place with cherries to increase fla- by grocers everywhere, or sent postpaid for vor, stir kettle, until simmer boiling. 10 35 cents. Recipe Book of 76 recipes wrapped cover with every bottle. minutes, then remove pits.

Add level cups well. Start in with Ibs.) sugar and mix Cherries, Use hottest fire and stir then follow with other constantly before and while boiling. Boil hard fruits in season, and make for 1 minute, re remove from Are and stir in 1 a large supply of Jams bottle time (scant cup) is CERTO. taken and From jam Jellies. off fire a allow to stand not over 5 minutes.

bu Douglas-Pectin Corporation the clock, before pour- Successor ing. In the meantime Douglas Packing Inc. skim, and stir occasion- Pectin Sales Inc. ally to cool slightly. Granite Building, Rochester, N.

Y. Then pour quickly. NOTICE! Having severed all connection with the Staunton Sales we have opened an auto repair shop at 127 Greenville Avenue. We are prepared to give satisfactory repair service at resaonable prices, on all makes of cars, Dodge a specialty. C.

F. CLEVELAND, HARRY WALKER, Staunton Auto Repair Shop "SATISFACTORY SUBSCRIBE TO THE LEADER Thalhimer Brothers RICHMOND. VA. OFFICES: NEW YORK, LONDON, BELFAST, PARIS, BRUSSELS AND MILAN It doesn't even cost you car fare Certainly nothing could be easier or more convenient for you than shopping at Thalhimer Brothers. A two-cent stamp is all it costs.

All the wonderful resources of a metropolitan department store, every imaginable shade and texture at your very pen point! A letter stating what you wish will go directly to our "Personal Shopping Service;" the articles are carefully selected by expert "shoppers;" examined to be sure they are perfect in every detail- then shipped to you delivery free. Not a penny added to the price for postage and packing. This service gives you the tremendous advantage of huge assortments, finest merchandise and lowest prices--advantages which can only be offered by such large store as this. A charge account can be easily arranged. Your name and address, the name of your bank or some store where you deal-then you can buy what you wish, whenever you wish.

Add Your Name to the Mailing List of this Metropolitan, Department Store PEARLSDainty for Summer Summer costumes are always enhanced by beautiful pearls, as are the gowns and dresses of all seasons. These lovely jewels complete any effect, and their simple, lustrous beauty. adds a pleasing touch that satisfies the most critical dresser. Your inspection of our line of pearls is cordially invited. H.

L. Lang Co. THE WEATHER Partly cloudy tonight and Wed- nesday; slightly warmer tonight. M. T.

HOOVER DEAD M. T. Hoover, for some years an invalid, who resided With his sister, Mrs. J. G.

Elliott; of North Augusta street, died this morning at 9:30 o'clock after having suffered since last Friday from a stroke of paralysis. The funeral services will be held at Hebron church, Thursday at 10 o'clock a. conducted by his pastor, the Rev. A. M.

Fraser of the First Presbyterian church, assisted by the Rev. J. R. Rosebro. Burial will be Thornrose cemetery.

The pallbearers, active, will (be: G. Frank Baylor, H. G. Baylor, J. S.

Pirkey, A. C. Thomas, Geo. Sellers, R. E.

McAleer, and M. W. Hamilton; honorary, Dr. W. F.

Hartman, J. M. Sellers, and Guy Bosserman. CORNS Stop their pain this safe way can end the pain of corns. In one minute Dr.

Scholl's Zino-pads will do it -safely! They remove the cause -friction-pressure. Thus you avoid infection from cutting your corns or using corrosive, Thin; antiseptic, waterproof. Sizes for corns, callouses, bunions. Get a box today at your druggist's or shoe dealer's. Dr Scholl's Lino pads Put one on -the pain is gone! STOP ITCHING SKIN Zemo the Clean, Antiseptic Liquid, Gives Prompt Relief There is one safe, dependable treat? ment that relieves itching torture and that cleanses and soothes the skin.

Ask any druggist for a 35c or $1 bottle. of Zemo and apply it as directed. Soon you will find that irritations, Pimples, Blackheads, Eczema, Blotches, Ringworm and similar skin troubles will disappear. Zemo, the penetrating, satisfying liquid, is all that is needed, for it banishes most skin eruptions, makes the skin soft, smooth and healthy. MT.

ELLIOTT SPRINGS HOTEL Opened to the public Friday, June 15, under new management. Music, and special meals served July 4. Special Meals Sundays. An ideal drive from Staunton. SOLID COMFORT describes a bathroom installed by our expert service men.

Let us help you on the road to comfort. Better Bath-rooms is our SLOGAN. Phone 514 FRANCIS N. MORAN SERVICE QUALITY 128 W. Main St..

The Daily News Leader from Staunton, Virginia (2025)
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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.