Okta Launches New Advanced Server Access Product to Bring Secure Access to Critical Infrastructure
New product delivers pervasive security forAmazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, and MicrosoftAzure
Okta, Inc. (NASDAQ:OKTA), the leading independent provider ofidentity for the enterprise, today at Oktane19 announced OktaAdvanced Server Access, a new product to bring continuous,contextual access management to secure cloud infrastructure,available today. For the first time through the Okta IdentityCloud, enterprises will be able to continuously manage and secureaccess to on-premises Windows and Linux servers and across leadingInfrastructure as a Service vendors including Amazon Web Services,Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure. Using Okta AdvancedServer Access, companies like Personal Capital and Workiva arecentralizing access controls in a seamless manner that bettermitigates the risk of credential theft, reuse, sprawl, andabandoned administrative accounts.
Organizations are grappling with how to secure a diverse andbroad set of applications and infrastructure across a disparate,extended enterprise. Increasingly, organizations of all sizes arerecognizing the need for a Zero Trust framework that limitsexcessive user permissions and access while requiring continuousauthorization. However, the credentials traditionally used toaccess servers — Secure Shell (SSH) keys and Remote DesktopProtocol (RDP) passwords —are static, creating significantvulnerabilities across a company’s network. Enterprises arestruggling to keep track of who has the keys to access serversrunning mission-critical workloads and storing valuable data, andare woefully limited when it comes to provisioning anddeprovisioning powerful administrative accounts. With manyorganizations relying on multi-cloud infrastructure, technologyleaders are left with limited visibility and agility when it comesto their critical, high risk infrastructure, and no central way tocontrol and continuously secure their hybrid environments.
“Today’s enterprises rely on cloud platforms and hybridenvironments to build the products their customers rely on andengage with daily,” said Todd McKinnon, Chief Executive Officer andco-founder of Okta. “It’s the right approach for agile innovation,but server access has traditionally relied on shared credentialsthat may never change, and that creates significant vulnerabilitiesfor any large or growing organization. Without a clear tie back touser identity, technology leaders lose visibility, agility, andultimately security. Okta Advanced Server Access brings centralizedidentity security to organizations leveraging on-premises, hybrid,and cloud infrastructure to not only increase security, visibility,and control, but to create a significantly better experience forthe teams building innovative products.”
Taking Centralized Identity and Access Deeper
Designed with a revolutionary Zero Trust architecture from theground up, the Okta Identity Cloud is capable of making smartaccess decisions based on dynamic user attributes and deviceconditions, where every login is independently authenticated andauthorized. Okta Advanced Server Access gives organizations theability to make granular access decisions about an individual loginrequest continuously. Access controls are backed by a revolutionaryone-time, short-lived credential mechanism that eliminates thecommon pain of tracking and protecting static keys. Whether anorganization is securing its on-premises infrastructure, cloudinfrastructure, or hybrid environments, Okta Advanced Server Accessserves as a critical solution to a growing enterprise securityproblem — all while centralizing granular access control, lifecyclemanagement, and administration through the Okta Identity Cloud.
Okta Advanced Server Access enables enterprises to:
- Mitigate the risk of credentialtheft: Okta Advanced Server Access replaces static keys andpasswords commonly used to access servers with just-in-time,single-use client certificates.
- Centralize access controls toservers: Using Okta Advanced Server Access, customers canautomate the end-to-end lifecycle of local server user and groupaccounts under a single directory. It delivers seamless SSO and MFAauthentication to SSH and RDP workflows, inline to the protocols,while introducing contextual access controls based on dynamic userand device posture.
- Remove barriers to automation:With Okta Advanced Server Access, it is easy to automate serverenrollment into the configuration management of choice, includingChef, Puppet, Ansible, and Terraform. Customers can supportmulti-cloud environments with a unified control plane thatabstracts each provider’s IAM functions, and makes every actionableevent an API, allowing for custom workflows.
- Deliver a seamless end userexperience: Okta Advanced Server Access works in line with theSSH and RDP protocols, integrated natively with CLI and GUI tools.As a SaaS-delivered product, Okta Advanced Server Access abstractsthe complexities of credential management, account management, andmore. Automation makes it easy to configure dynamic environments,eliminating redundant tasks without compromising security.
“Personal Capital brings clarity and confidence to people’sfinancial lives through the combined power of technology andadvice,” said Maxime Rousseau, Chief Information Security Officerof Personal Capital, a leading digital wealth management company.“With more than 2 million users registered for our free personalfinance tools and $9 billion in assets under management, trust is acore component of the Personal Capital brand. To maintain it, we'vesecured our cloud access in a highly efficient and frictionlessway. Okta and Advanced Server Access has been a natural fit, andthe benefits have been clear: our critical infrastructure is lockeddown from the traditional access control methods that would exposeit to static credentials risks.”
Okta Advanced Server Access is available starting today. Formore information, visit:https://www.okta.com/products/advanced-server-access
About Okta
Okta is the leading independent provider of identity for theenterprise. The Okta Identity Cloud enables organizations tosecurely connect the right people to the right technologies at theright time. With over 6,000 pre-built integrations to applicationsand infrastructure providers, Okta customers can easily andsecurely use the best technologies for their business. Over 6,100organizations, including 20th Century Fox, JetBlue, Nordstrom,Slack, Teach for America and Twilio, trust Okta to help protect theidentities of their workforces and customers.
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Jenna Kozel King
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