How to Improve Your Attitude With Traders in BG3 | Gamer ... (2025)

The trading and bartering system in Baldur’s Gate 3 has a few tricks built into the mechanics that you can learn early on to your advantage. On this page we’ll show you how to donate items to specific merchants so that you can improve your attitude (aka relationship) with them, how to split items from your inventory so you can sell a specific amount at any given time, and the basic differences between trading and bartering in BG3.

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Arron the Merchant in Baldur’s Gate 3.

How to Donate Gold and Items With Traders & Merchants

The first thing you might be wondering about merchants in Baldur’s Gate 3, is how to improve your attitude with them. You can see the current attitude rating that you have with any specific merchant in the bottom right of the screen once you open up trading or bartering with them, as you can see in the screenshot below. The default value may be different for each merchant, depending on who they are and who your primary character is, especially in relation to their origin race, background, religion, and other distinctive features which might cause a rift between you.

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Donate Gold or Valuable Items in BG3

However, even if the attitude of a merchant is initially negative towards you for whatever reason, it doesn’t take much effort to improve their view of you. All you need to do is donate items or gold, which can be done via the bartering system. The more gold you donate, or the more valuable the item(s) that you donate, the more significant the improvement in attitude will be. If you want to improve your relationship with a specific merchant quickly, you should donate items that are worth at least 100 gold. You should find plenty of these in the form of equipment and weapons that you won’t necessarily be using.

In our testing, it took somewhere between 600 - 800 gold in the total value of items donated to reach an attitude rating of 100 with a specific merchant, with a starting value of 0. It shouldn’t take you too long to establish good relations with new merchants, especially if you’re finding a lot of valuable loot from exploration or battles that you don’t necessarily have a good use for. You may want to save at least 1000 gold before you start donating, though, to make sure that you have enough to purchase any essentials such as potions, traps, and tools.

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(1 of 2) You can see your current attitude rating by hovering over the bar in the bottom right, or switch between trade and barter in the top center.

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You can see your current attitude rating by hovering over the bar in the bottom right, or switch between trade and barter in the top center. (left), You’ll get a warning before donating items to warn that you’ll get nothing in return. (right)

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How to Get Cheaper Prices from Traders in Baldur’s Gate 3

If you’re wondering why you might bother to donate gold and items to specific merchants in order to improve your attitude with them, the short answer is: long term profit. In theory, the better your attitude rating with a specific merchant, the cheaper their items will be to purchase in the future. Not only that but you should also be able to sell your items to them for a greater profit than you would otherwise. This means that over time, you can earn back the gold you lost by donating items to improve your relationship and begin saving with the cheaper purchase and higher sell costs later on.

The amount you save will ultimately depend on how often you think you’ll be interacting with a specific merchant. As a general rule, you’re more likely to interact with merchants who are stationed in centers of civilization, such as those at the Emerald Grove in the starting area of the game. You’ll encounter more large settlements as you progress through the story, and when you do it’s better to start donating sooner rather than later. You may lose out on some gold in the short term, but you’re likely to make more of a profit in the long run.

It’s worth noting that most merchants will have their gold and stock replenished after each long rest. You will often find new items available to buy or barter at this point, so it’s a good idea to revisit merchants often. This also means that you can return to merchants each day to sell more items to them, since it’s likely that you’ll deplete most of their gold when you sell a lot of items from your adventures all at once.

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What’s the Difference Between Trade and Barter in BG3?

The difference between trading and bartering in Baldur’s Gate 3 is simpler than you might think. In essence, it’s a matter of preference. The cost of items from a specific merchant will be the same whether you trade with them in exchange for gold, or barter with them in exchange for items.

For example, you might see a nice breastplate on offer for 260 gold from a merchant. You can choose to purchase this outright for 260 gold in the Trade mode, or you can choose to enter the bartering mode instead. If you do the latter, you’ll need to offer items that are of an equivalent value to 260 gold. If you try to barter for the breastplate using items that are of a lesser value, the merchant won’t be happy.

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(1 of 2) Arron is the first merchant that you’re likely to encounter in BG3, near the Emerald Grove.

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Arron is the first merchant that you’re likely to encounter in BG3, near the Emerald Grove. (left), You’ll find Arron just west of the Emerald Grove. (right)

The worst that can happen if you try to barter items which aren’t of equivalent value, is that the merchant will refuse the offer. If you still want to barter your items for a breastplate but you don’t have anything else to offer other than gold to reach its value, you can press the scales button just above the Barter button at the bottom center of the screen. This will automatically balance the bartering by taking the remaining gold required from your inventory and adding it to the bartering offer.

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Why Choose Bartering Over Trading in BG3?

For most people, the simpler method for exchanging goods with merchants in BG3 is by using the Trade function rather than the Barter function. Here you can simply drag any item that you want to purchase from the merchant’s inventory to your own, and the required gold will be automatically taken. The same goes for selling, just the other way around. The only reason why you might want to use the bartering mechanic (other than personal preference) is for when you’re donating items with the explicit purpose of improving your attitude with a specific merchant.

How to Split Items While Trading in Baldur’s Gate 3

If you’re not familiar with inventory systems in PC gaming, you might be wondering how to split items that you have a number of stacked in your inventory. This is most common for scrolls and potions, and the quickest way to do it is by holding How to Improve Your Attitude With Traders in BG3 | Gamer ... (12) while you drag items to a merchant’s inventory. This will automatically prompt you to split the items when you try to put them in the inventory of the merchant, so you can choose exactly how many you want to sell, and how many you want to keep.

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You can split items while trading by holding Shift as you drag the stack across to the merchant’s inventory.

More Baldur’s Gate 3 Guides

If you want to know more about how some of the basic systems in Baldur’s Gate 3 work, be sure to check the pages linked below!

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How to Improve Your Attitude With Traders in BG3 | Gamer ... (2025)


How to Improve Your Attitude With Traders in BG3 | Gamer ...? ›

Everyone likes free stuff, and the merchants in this game are no different. In order to raise approval with them, you have to give them gold—either directly, by giving them gold pieces, or by taking deals that are "worse" for you when using the Barter function.

How to increase trader attitude in Baldur's Gate 3? ›

Bribes are the simplest way to raise a merchant's Attitude: give them a bit of gold, and watch the gauge start to creep upward.

How to get better deals with Traders BG3? ›

To further improve your discount, you can donate items to a trader to raise their approval of you to 80 or higher. This can be done by selling items to the vendor while in Barter Mode but not balancing the value, so they give less than what you are offering. The lower your level, the easier this can be done.

How to increase merchant attitude in BG3 Reddit? ›

To easily increase a trader attitude to 100, respect with Wither and stay at level 1. At this level, you only need 400 gold to reach 100 approval. It increase by 400 for every level (800 for lv 2, 1200 for lv 3 ...

Who is the best trader in bg3? ›

Lann Tarv, Exxvikyap, and Roah Moonglow are some of the best merchants to keep an eye out for. These merchants offer a variety of items such as potions, spell scrolls, and unique armor & weapons.

How much gold to max attitude in BG3? ›

How To Increase Merchant Approval
LevelGold Needed To Raise Approval By 1Gold Needed To Max Approval
8 more rows
Aug 25, 2023

How to max out trader BG3? ›

For getting positive attitude with merchants by donating items or gold, the change seems to max out at about 100gold in item value per trade. So don't donate more than 100 in value at a time. Donate 100 like 3 or 4 times and you'll be well in the green and have fantastic prices for both buying and selling.

Does it matter who I sell to BG3? ›

It seems it does if you have standing with the trader. If you sell stuff to him cheaper, only this one person will have positive standing. So you should start trading with this character only. Other than that I didn't see any difference.

How to cheese traders bg3? ›

Speak to the merchant and opt to trade. Select Barter on the trading screen. Select the unneeded and low-value items.

Is positive or negative discount better in BG3? ›

Positive values will make prices more favourable (higher when selling, lower when buying) and vice-versa.

Will you turn into a mind flayer in BG3? ›

At one point, you will be offered an Astral-Touched Tadpole, but taking it will turn you into a half-Mind Flayer. This is not an irreversible process, but in the lead-up to the game's finale, you will then be offered a Supreme Tadpole which completes the transformation.

How to please Shadowheart? ›

Shadowheart Approval List
  1. Kindness towards children.
  2. Kindness towards animals.
  3. Avoiding unnecessary violence where possible with persuasion or manipulation.
  4. Showing distrust towards the Gith.
  5. Fighting against oppression.
  6. Allowing her to be faithful to Shar where possible.

How to help Shadowheart? ›

If you search the body at the back of the room, you'll find an Eldritch Rune. Once you've picked up the rune, interact with the console again to inset free Shadowheart and she will join your party, as long as you pass an Illithid/Wisdom check.

Who is the most romanced character in Baldur's Gate 3? ›

But let's talk romance: while Baldur's Gate 3 has a number of intriguing romance paths, Shadowheart's is easily the most popular, with 51.3% players completing her romance arc (which you can find a walkthrough of here). It turns out she really is God's favorite princess and the most interesting girl in the world.

How to increase attitude in BG3? ›

The best way to improve trader attitude seems to be gifting coins rather than items. This is because gifting an item is equivalent to gifting that item's current sell price. If you reach attitude 100 by gifting coins, then sell the items you would have gifted, you will get better value out of those items.

What is the most powerful weapon in Baldur's Gate 3? ›

However, its superiority in Baldur's Gate 3 doesn't stop there. The Everburn Blade equips players with fundamental attack maneuvers. Overall, it stands out as one of — if not the most — most potent weapons in the game.

How to improve barter in BG3? ›

Every NPC that sells items in Baldur's Gate 3 has an affinity score associated with them, which you can improve for your party by donating gold or items when you initiate a trade. Instead of requesting a piece of gear from a merchant, offer them a junk item or outdated gear through the Barter option.

How do you increase stats in Baldur's Gate 3? ›

You can only increase your stats when you can choose Feats on certain level ups. You should look for Feats which increase your primary stat until you reach the cap of 20. Other ways to increase stats is by finding certain items or equipment. Correct.

How to raise reputation in BG3? ›

Reputation can be gained by donating gold at temples, up to a score of 18. A donation can only increase reputation by 1 at a time, no matter how much is donated.

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Name: Laurine Ryan

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.